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I should be unbanned because the whole thing is bullshit I have been cleaning up the rdmer's from the server who are all trash because they are new and then when I kill them I get punish even thought they all got banned anyway I think that I should be reenstated .

An example of why is becase a man who was just recently banned Hexxacon was rdming as a detective. so I killed him as an inno and then others tried to kill me so I killed them I ended up killing 5 people because of this rdmer. Please reconsider my proposal 

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Why these bans are spread over years man I just came back . The problem is the RDMer's server, I just clean up what the admin are too overwhelmed to fix. I have not don't any serious offense in 6 months and you want to perma ban me . Really that is just not fair man . I have had Severe ADHD for the past 2 years and I just got medication today , I am still ajusting my guy . 

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this is your ban history, by our current rules for upgrading bans to permanent due to having multiple 1 week bans within a year, you should have been permanently banned at least 5 times now. 

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Posted  Edited by warmaker3000

I just want a second chance brother I don't want to get perma banned and I don't think I deserve that . my meds are calming me down now and I only rdmed when I was without them .


Motor all I am asking for is a second chance .

Edited by warmaker3000

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we aren't going to upgrade your ban right now. but if you get another 1 week ban you'll have a hard time getting unbanned if the banning admin checks and sees how many past bans you have

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Posted  Edited by warmaker3000

is the ban gone or not 

Check the ban logs you can see that their were multiple people are hit for mass rdm . and one minute later I was banned 

(coincidence I think not) 

I don't want to get punished for shit I didn't do 



Edited by warmaker3000

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7 minutes ago, warmaker3000 said:

is the ban gone or not 


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