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[SCP Suggestion] SCP-4725

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Brief Description:

A robotic exoskeleton from the "end of Death" timeline/canon hub piloted/controlled by a Chaos insurgency member. Incredibly durable, and has the ability to absorb the brains of other people into itself, as well as 'swap' between said brains. 



Health: Low (should not be too high but should prob be slightly more durable than a normal person. Maybe 125?)

Speed: Normal human speed

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=449559300

Spawn: Unused Containment cell on 02 or 61, could replace 378 spawn on chosen map.


Gameplay Description:

SCP-4725 is able to use items and weapons the same as a normal person, however it spawns unarmed except for its own special melee weapon. It does 70 damage, and upon killing someone with it, adds a brain to his brain counter. Whenever he would die, he instead uses up one of his brain counters to restore to full health. It is unable to use healing items, however. 


A rather simple scp serving as a sorta mix between a 'stacking' power scp like 334 and a 'gun using' scp like 378. Would allow a more consistant way of SCPs accessing keycards to open checkpoints and doors compared to 378 but lacking the disguising and ambush power. Could serve as a replacement spawn for 378 on maps other than for site-19 to add more variety in available scps.  

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+1 would be nice to have new stuff for ci

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