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peate ban appeal

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Name: Peate


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43266534


Banned by: Tlar


Ban reason: Advertising other servers


Why you should be unbanned: This ban was over a year ago and quite frankly I do not remember why exactly I was banned. I'm assuming it had something to do with Icefuse since I was staff at the time? If anything I mentioned that I came from there and someone thought it was advertising? I don't really know why because again this was over a year ago but rest assured nothing like this will ever happen again. I'm globally banned so I cant join any ZE servers on CS anymore so I would appreciate being unbanned.

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@Tlar is no longer staff, so this ban will be left up to the manager, @MilkMan


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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Posted  Edited by Tlar

I’m no longer admin, but I have almost every recorded ban in my TTT folder. I’m in Florida right now and i’ll be back home on the 18th, if it was on text chat i’ll be able to upload the proof but if it was on voice chat it’ll be a lot harder to prove


Even then it’s milk man’s decision but i most likely do have proof if it’s needed

Edited by Tlar

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Guest SkydivingSquid
Posted  Edited by SkydivingSquid

Me after reading @Xy_’s response... 


Edited by SkydivingSquid

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Guest SkydivingSquid

You have quite a substantial ban history, but most of the bans were 1 day bans from 2016. Since your more serious ban was from over a year ago and your VAC history is good, I don’t have any issues with unbanning you. 


I hope when you come back you decide come back as a member of the GFL community who wants to have fun on the server and make gameplay a better experience for all players. 




Ban history for transparency purposes. 


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