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Burning Joe

Banned for Cheating?

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Name: Burning Joe


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:504682362


Banned by: Pancake


Ban reason: Cheating


Why you should be unbanned:

I don't cheat, no point, it makes the game not fun. Although i'm sure you just screengrabbed me and saw the red and black console thing, it's a public gmod theme from github


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4 minutes ago, Burning Joe said:

Name: Burning Joe


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:504682362


Banned by: Pancake


Ban reason: Cheating 


Why you should be unbanned:

I don't cheat, no point, it makes the game not fun. Although i'm sure you just screengrabbed me and saw the red and black console thing, it's a public gmod theme from github 



Could you link me to this github?



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1 minute ago, Pancake Jenkins said:

You were banned for having custom client side concommands. Specifically Simple Thirdperson. Mind explaining why you would have these concommands?


not a clue, i'm not even subscribed to that addon & didn't realize i had those commands

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