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Posted  Edited by Bae

Yes, yes we do pay for TeamSpeak 3. More like, players who donate also pays for it; for their own personal channel. I personally don't like Discord.

Edited by Bae


credits to @Clavers

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Discord might be good for smaller communities, but since we're pretty large and offer things such as personal channels, then we have to use a more advanced program. One issue with Discord is the way permissions are handled. It's way too simple compared to TS. I like Discord, but I can't imagine us using it.

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  • 4 months later...

Found this thread when searching if GFL had a discord server. Agree that it currently is not robust for a large community, but keep in mind that it will have that extensibility later on. Discord will always be free at the base model (what you see now), but they will have modules/add-ons that are paid, and will be how they turn a profit eventually. They have hinted that more admin controls, more room segmentation, better control for large numbers of users, etc, will all be offered.

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@SyntaxInvalid There are server discord but it's really up to players decision or manager decision if they just want a little group chat for their own admins or servers. It can't be like an official thing unless given permission to by the bod (I meant this an an overall community).


credits to @Clavers

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