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My account was deleted?

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Posted  Edited by Andrew_

Hello! I was playing on a GFL server and I noticed my chat tag was [New user] which is weird since I am a Member. I went onto GFLClan.com to sign in only to realize my account was deleted? My username was ajy9768. I haven't signed into the site for just over two years so could it have been removed for being inactive? Is there any way I can get my account back? If needed I have emails for proof.

Edited by Andrew_

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3 hours ago, Andrew_ said:

oh really? Everyone? oh k

Basically what happened was on Mid-May, there was an attack, very few of our servers were down, our entire site was gone hacked. So on this particular website, we had a message warning/alerting everyone that the site is under construction and will let people know for further information on the page. It took about half a month to get everything settle. It's still not quite settle down, there's still a few things needed to adjust. 


Because of that, we had to wipe our system, so everyone had to re-register and re-apply for membership. The only exemption is the people who were VIP and permanent, they still have logs history and can check if they ever had VIP or if it was permanent. We don't have permanent VIP anymore since March 31st.

2 hours ago, GLOdysseus said:

we have new forums if you haven't noticed.

He wouldn't really noticed consider everything look somewhat the same.


credits to @Clavers

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