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[8-30-16]Small Update - NFO vs OVH, My Lack Of Activity

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Just to confirm, we aren't moving to OVH unless if the population survives/grows with changing the Geo Location to Chicago. We would be doing a lot of testing beforehand and moving servers like CS:GO Zombie Escape would come last.


If the population stays and grows, then I see no reason to deny OVH. Especially with the price and hardware.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



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Posted  Edited by Joshy - Edit Reason: added the word "able" · Hidden

That's a great find regarding the location!  I love that you are able to interpret data and use it for something - that's a great skill.


I've been wondering about that update thread.  I don't think I'd be able to touch the technical stuff, but I can propose some verbiage/paragraphs to help prepare the post for announcement.  I'll probably just post it in the thread and you can massage the wording as the update comes along.


Congratulations on your work in real life.  You're doing great.

Edited by Joshy
added the word "able"


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Posted  Edited by foxbyday · Hidden

I've been saying there's been a need of hardware change for a long while now, better late than never :lenny:. OVH is far superior. ::D: Cheers.




1 hour ago, Roy said:

Just to confirm, we aren't moving to OVH unless if the population survives/grows with changing the Geo Location to Chicago. We would be doing a lot of testing beforehand and moving servers like CS:GO Zombie Escape would come last.


If the population stays and grows, then I see no reason to deny OVH. Especially with the price and hardware.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.




oh nvm. Well I hope we get there soon!

Edited by foxbyday



there's no place like

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