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What We Want In Surf RPG

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Things We Will Like To See Back or New

-The Store With Tracers And Outher Things

-Points Are Basically Useless, I(we) Want to see What you Guys Can Do so they arent as useless

-Basically Everything Back to the way it was before the first reset

-Bounties Using Points (Allow Players To place Bounties using Points Of theirs)



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Good job for actually posting in the right sub-forum this time.


-The store is getting worked on still.

-HLStatX:CE is the only rank that doesn't get reset, if you think you can do better we would like to see you try.

-Everything from the first reset back? the resets are still coming, the amount of exp given can be reconsidered.

-No, that's not how HLStatX:CE work, that's not even what the points are for.


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Posted  Edited by Korowa

Currently working on a few things for EU, unsure about US (I don't manage it).

Edited by Korowa




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19 minutes ago, Korowa said:

Currently working on a few things for EU, unsure about US (I don't manage it=.


Whatever works in one server is usually very translatable for others.  A lot of the updates in Source work on GO and conversely as well too, so I have a lot of interest in threads like these.  If you're working on something and have a private group message, I'd love to be a part of it and see if i can offer any support or advice.


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adding a store isn't easy when we don't have the coders, far as I know we want a store but there are not many working stores out there and the stores that are out there are not what we want.


if you want to code anything be my guest, hit me up on steam and we will talk more.


korowa when you think about adding something you should also speak to me so I might think about adding it to US, I like to try and keep the servers 95% the same.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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