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Petition to have the plugin that allow us to shoot through teammates.

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22 members have voted

  1. 1. Plugin that let us shoot through our teammates?

    • Yes we need it.
    • No we don't need it.
    • Wait people have issues with inability to shoot through teammates?
    • Eh, I really don't mind about the current situation now.

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: proof read and fix some minor grammar error

I was hoping someone will make a post about this topic but oh well...


"My teammates in front of me absorbed all of my bullets and we all died to incoming enemy fire because none of my shots hit the enemies at all!" - literally everyone, don't deny it!.


Does the above quote seem familiar to you? well because it should! because every time on surf_skate_pb, there is always one player who complain about how he/she can't shoot through his/her teammates on the catwalk around spawn.


This has gone long enough, it's time .... to STOP! we need the plugin that allows us to shoot bullet, we don't need the plugin that turns our teammates into impenetrable bullet sponge.


I here by declare a new petition to have the plugin that allows to shoot through our teammates!


Obvious satire included if not noticed,

Edited by Mad_Father
proof read and fix some minor grammar error


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Posted  Edited by HarvE

100% Agree with Mad Father on this.

17 minutes ago, Mad_Father said:

I was hoping someone will make a post about this topic but oh well...


"My teammates in front of me absorbed all of my bullets and we all died to incoming enemy fire because none of my shots hit the enemies at all!" - literally everyone, don't deny it!.


Does the above quote seem familiar to you? well because it should! because every time on surf_skate_pb, there is always one player who complain about how he/she can't shoot through his/her teammates on the catwalk around spawn.


This has gone long enough, it is .... to STOP! we need the plugin that allows us to shoot bullet, we don't need the plugin that turns our teammates into impenetrable bullet sponge.


I here by declare a new petition to have the plugin that allows to shoot through our teammates!


Obvious satire included if not noticed,


Edited by HarvE

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that would be abit OP don't you think? having 4/5 OP guys on 1 team and not the other all inside shooting at you and killing you guys in second making a new post days to months later asking for it to be removed.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


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yea well that's only on 1 map, sometimes players do automatically switch themselves to weaker side because everyone likes to be on the OP side, so the the constant self switch will balance it out.


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but that is not something that is done all the time, I played many times where the other side didn't change other then saying in chat *you all suck* aka making the low level people leave.


I don't think it's going to be changed any time soon.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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