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ZE Discord Suggestions

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Right now one of the most popular games on earth is the recently released Among Us.


The issue however the Discord server is filled to the brim with Among Us players.


I use the Discord server to gauge if I should get on or not and for the last week or so we've had 20 people in VC and many in chat but hardly any quality members actually on ZE. I've attached an image to show what I'm talking about - normally I would be very delighted to see this many quality users on and would quickly hop on ZE to get some good and fun rounds in.


My suggestion here is: Create a sub-category for Among Us voice chat so I can ignore it and continue using Discord as a way to know if it's worth getting on.


Your Goodpal,



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Posted  Edited by lce

You can use the *players command in the bot command channel or the ZE server's gametracker page to check players currently on the server. Then you can see if people you consider "quality members" are on. Problem solved.

Edited by lce

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Posted  Edited by Chewie2k

As Ice said. It would be easier if you used *players to look at the server list. We would just be making and deleting vc channels everytime a new game becomes popular. Oh by the way, you can clearly see that someone is live streaming the game hence you would have known that they're playing it already. We could say the same when we watch movies. Do you think we need a movie channel as well? Might as well ask us to make every single vc for a specific game lol.

Edited by Chewie2k


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do u get salty for not getting invite to the party?
oh wait u dont have to cuz u were trying to play ze 
didnt know discord has a cool function to tell either the current team on server is good or bad :wtfalex:

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10 hours ago, lce said:

You can use the *players command in the bot command channel or the ZE server's gametracker page to check players currently on the server. Then you can see if people you consider "quality members" are on. Problem solved.


Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch

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Posted  Edited by Rune - Edit Reason: bad_english

well there's nothing wrong with it because discord. :happytree:

Edited by Rune


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any luff maps -> ff maps -> random tryhard maps -> tryhard laser maps that isn't ff or irrelevant ff maps -> random tryhard map -> mars_escape -> atix_panic -> any surf maps -> crazy_escape -> atix apocalypse -> minas tirith -> random casual maps -> shroomforest 123 -> platformer -> repeat

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