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Code_Killer101's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Code_Killer101

SteamID: 76561198176002941


Admin that banned you: Dont Know

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Ban


Why should you be unbanned?

I dont know what I did for a banned, and want to know why I was banned. Also Ill make sure to not do what ever I got banned for. I really enjoy the surf sever and I would shame if I don't get unbanned, bc I like most of the people on that sever and my other sever that I play on is very dead.

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Posted  Edited by Code_Killer101

Oh I did'nt think u could get banned for that. I'll make sure I don't do that also I didn't spam it I put it twice bc he didnt get it, bc he said he was gonna come and look. also ill make sure to just dm it too them next time im very sorry.


Edited by Code_Killer101

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Posted  Edited by Dini

Yeah uh.. Common sense really, you advertise, you get banned for majority of servers anyways.


One last chance, Ash removed the ban!

Edited by Dini

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