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Seasonal HappyTree Request/Contest/Whateverthefuck

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Posted  Edited by Infra - Edit Reason: I need to edit things 200 times sorry

Request type:

Seasonal HappyTree Request/Contest/Whateverthefuck





Source image/render: 






Text *(optional):

Alright, Christmas will soon be upon us. It is time for an official seasonal variant of HappyTree! Make a goofy, HappyTree styled........HappyTree that suits a Christmas theme. As the Official Representative of HappyTree, I will pick one that can be used for years to come! That being said, this is not an official GFL/internal request!

It is recommended that you are able to create all the different tree moods with said design. The final design should also be suitable as a Discord emote. (i.e, not too large, not too small, has to be visible, not over-powering, whatever, etc etc etc). Stay true to the HappyTree theme, I don't want the original to be "remastered" or anything of the sort. However, that does not mean something fresh will not be appreciated!

This is not locked to only the GFX team, so feel free to try if you would like!


Deadline: Whenever I pick a good one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Color scheme *(optional):

HappyTree themed.






This is by @Salad, I like this however it is too tall to be an emote.



Additional information: 

I may or may not give away Supporter/VIP to whoever I pick. Have fun! :P

Edited by Infra
I need to edit things 200 times sorry

Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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I made a Christmas one! I am most definitely gonna make more happy trees! 






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