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ZE server auto kick (issue too many command)

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Hi all, I always got a kick out (issue too many command) after buying guns in ZE server.

I bound buying commands on key pad for quick buying combo. And I was kicked out because of using those keys to buy weapon. Is it possible to put buying commands into ignore list of auto kick out detection? Because it is really frustrating to be kickout because of this😃

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Posted  Edited by S.W.A.T.
8 hours ago, Vauff said:

You get kicked for issuing too many commands when you send more than 20 commands to the server within a second, you likely have your buy binds setup incorrectly to be triggering that.


My binding command list here:

bind kp_5 "buy p90; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser;"

bind kp_pgdn "buy fn57; buy elite; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser;"

bind kp_enter " buy hegrenade;"


These are all commands I had been used in server, definitely not over 20 commands, I usually press them in 1-2 seconds 

Edited by S.W.A.T.

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