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Hobo King

Hobo King's TTT Anarchy Mute/Ban Appeal

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Hobo King



Punished by:

Admin, didn't say

Reason for the punishment:

Didn't say, but probably for a few cases of RDM

Why should your punishment be revoked?

Banned without warning. Don't know the reason I was banned, and can't find my ban on this site's database so I couldn't it out that way. I'm guessing it was for RDM. However most of those were forgiven with the few unforgiven RDM cases coming from players mad about being killed while I was on an evil team like Jackal. Either way, I find playing on these servers quite fun, and would like to be unbanned or know the reason for my ban. Otherwise, I can wait the couple weeks till the 27th.

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Posted  Edited by Hobo King

Thanks for the explanation. I figure my cases of "Mass RDM" may have come from reports during my time as a Jackal's sidekick while I was detective, and maybe a few other times where I killed an inno when they accidentally passed over a body without IDing them. I suppose I would be a bit trigger-happy in that respect. I'm only surprised by the ban because nobody on the server actually made a big deal about it or yelled at me about RDMing ignoring reports I had to answer to here and there. I figured that I hadn't broken too many rules. Oh well, the most I can offer are apologies at this point and if LawMyl wants me to wait out my ban after those apologies then so be it.

Edited by Hobo King

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Posted  Edited by LawMyl

Sorry for the late response and after seeing what you said and how long you were waiting for I decided you should be unbanned.

Also this was your first time being banned 


Cheers Lad

Edited by LawMyl



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