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venom's HNS Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Mountain Man

SteamID: 645376424564325216890


Admin that banned you: SiraidOwO

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): perma ban


Why should you be unbanned?

(Pls dont roast me for my grammar im stupid)

So I've been playing on Gfl hns since around 2017 or 2016 ish i don't remember, till recently I started playing Hns again probably one of my most played servers in gmod, anyways one player under the name [Ocean]GalacticPrism who plays the server too showed me what a macro is (never even heard of it). Now at this time before i was banned i had not known a macro is considered scripting, i was informed it was just making a key bind with multiple keys being activated. I eventually made one the day I was told what a macro is innocently not knowing it was the same as scripting cause that's what i was told and i didnt put the time in to research what a macro actually is.  The macro hardly even worked. All it did was make you crouch in the air super fast and was completely useless, but still used it cause it looked funny when activated and didn't know its the same as scripting. While I was in the Hns server I was pressing the macro in front of wuffy thinking the animation is funny then I was asked how I'm doing that so I told them it was a macro innocently not knowing its the same as scripting and I got perma banned.  All I want back is the access to play on one of my favorite servers on gmod, hopefully I can have someone get back to me and get access to the server I have memories on and a lot of time spent on.

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I would like to get @SiraidOwO's input to see if this was the specific type of macro that was happening and if he thinks it'd be fine to give him another chance, because personally if it is true that the type of macroing is in regards to super fast crouching to look funny, while it is against the rules it doesn't exactly impede the gameplay, whereas something like bhop scripting would, and he is also saying he was ignorant of it being against the rules so I believe it'd be fine to give him another chance.

Though, I think other admin's inputs are important.

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I'm not really sure who you are but I assume you're Butters_at_work?


Anyway, to the point, I'd kinda be down to give you another chance if you didn't know that a bhop macro was against the rules. On the other hand, I'm not really sure how you didn't know that a macro for bhopping wasn't allowed. To me, that feels like common sense that it wouldn't be. Also I think you were bhopping and I was on the fence, but I'll admit my memory is pretty fuzzy and I don't remember all the details and could be wrong. @SiraidOwO was more involved than me so I'm gonna go along with Frank and want his input, even though he's not an admin anymore.


I'd be okay with an unban atm since it's not the most serious thing but I would prefer to have Siraid's input before I make a final decision.


Imma sit on it for now.


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Posted  Edited by SiraidOwO

Ok so you were clearly scripting its pretty common sense that using a macro/script is against the rules it gives you an advantage over everyone else. But also the macro was working well you easily hit 700+ speed when i spectated you. even when you broke your legs you continued to gain speed. I would be willing to give you a second chance because you might have not known but it is also common sense. Im fairly sure its in the rules scripting is not allowed and a macro follows under the same thing. But also its not really up to me because im not even admin anymore so. But it also was a bhop macro im not sure what he meant that it was a funny looking macro, it spammed space so they could bhop very easy.

Edited by SiraidOwO

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