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TTT Anarchy Role Info Revamp

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Its a fact that several roles have outdated or flat out incorrect information in both help popups(the one in chat and the one in the Grey Box). There is too many to go through every single one, so im redesigning each one here to give clearer information.



Chat Message:
You are an innocent Terrorist! Kill all of the Traitors and Evil Roles, or survive until the timer ends!

Grey Box Message:

You are an innocent. You have no special capabilities. You win by killing all of the Evil Roles(except the Jester) or by outlasting the timer. 



Chat Message:
You are an innocent Detective! Use your DNA scanner and Detective shop to track down and kill the Traitors and Evil roles!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Detective! You have access to a DNA scanner that can collect DNA from dead bodies or dropped weapons, allowing you to track whoever it belongs to. Additionally, you can access the Detective shop by pressing the C key. Use these tools to help innocents find the Evil Roles!



Chat Message:
You are a Traitor! Kill everyone who is not a Traitor before time runs out!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Traitor! Your goal is to kill all of the innocents and non-Traitor evil roles(Except for the Jester) before the round timer runs out. No one is aware you are a Traitor except for your teammates. Access the Traitor shop with the C key.


Chat Message:
You are a Jester! You want other players to kill you, but you cannot damage anyone yourself!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Jester! You cannot injure other players, and instead want to trick someone into shooting you. Upon being killed by another player, one of several random effects will happen!


Chat Message:
You are a Dastardly Jackal! Your goal is to kill everyone except for other Jackals and your Sidekicks! Use your sidekick deagle to make someone join your team!


Grey Box Message:

You are a Jackal! You want to kill all of the innocents and non-Jackal evil roles(Except for the Jester). You start with a Sidekick Deagle that turns anyone into a Sidekick who is on your team. You have access to the Traitor shop by pressing the C key. If you die, your Sidekick will become the new Jackal!



Chat Message:
You've been turned into a Sidekick! You now work with the Jackal to kill all of the innocents and other evil roles(except for the Jester).


Grey Box Message:

You've been turned into a sidekick by the Jackal! You are now on his team, and have access to the T shop with the C key. Kill anyone who is not on the Jackal team! Upon the Jackal dying, you will become the new Jackal and get your own sidekick Deagle!


Chat Message:
You are a Cursed Restless! Your goal is to kill everyone(Except for the Jester)! You are able to respawn multiple times upon being killed.


Grey Box Message:
You are a Restless! Your goal is to kill all of the Innocents, Traitors, and other roles! You respawn up to 5 times when dying. Each time you respawn you lose 20 max health and deal less damage.


Chat Message:
You are a Diseased Infected! Your goal is to kill everyone(Including the Jester!) Anyone you kill respawns as a zombie on your side!


Grey Box Message:

You are an Infected! Your goal is to kill all of the Innocents, Traitors, and other roles! Anyone you kill will respawn as a zombie on your team! You have access to the Infected Fists, a powerful melee weapon. Be warned, if you die, so does all of your zombies!


Infected Zombie:
Chat Message:
You've been turned into a zombie by the Infected! Kill all of the non-infected people! Anyone you kill also becomes a Zombie(Except for the Jester!)


Grey Box Message:
You are an Infected's Zombie! Your goal is to kill anyone who is not infected! You move quickly and have the Infected Fists, but cannot use guns and only have 30 health. Anyone you kill will also become an Infected! If the original infected dies, so does you! Teammates are visible with a Purple icon above their heads! You use an unique model that can be easily identified by other players.



Chat Message:
You are a Spy! You are an innocent who appears to be a Traitor to the Traitor team. Kill all of the Traitors and evil roles(Except for the Jester!)


Grey Box Message:
You are a Spy! You are an Innocent, but Traitors will think you are their teammate! Traitor Team Chat is disabled while you are alive, and you have access to the Traitor shop by pressing the C key. Kill all of the Traitors and other evil roles! Be careful: If your body is Ided while there is still Traitors, it will show up as a Traitor!


Chat Message:
You are a Dedicated Hitman! Help your other Traitors in killing all of the Innocents and evil roles(Except for the Jester)! You are given a specific target you can kill for extra Credits!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Hitman! You are a special Traitor role who starts with only 1 Credit, but gains a credit for killing a specific target(visible above your health bar). Kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor roles(Except for the Jester)! You cannot get a Traitor as your target. 


Chat Message:
You are a Egoistic Marker! Use your Paintball Gun to mark players to Win! Marked players cannot damage you, but you can only hurt marked Players!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Marker! Mark the amount of people displayed in your Quota with your paintball gun to win. Marked players cannot hurt you, and you can only hurt marked players. Only living players count as being marked towards your Quota. Use your Defib to revive a dead player as Marked and as their original role!


Chat Message:
You are a Holy Priest! Help the innocents find the Traitors and other evil roles by shooting people with your Holy Deagle to add them to the brotherhood! Be warned, if you shoot an evil role with the holy Deagle, you will die instead!


Grey Box Message:
You are a Priest! You are an Innocent role with access to the Holy Deagle. Shooting any Non-Detective Innocent player will add them to the Brotherhood, proving their innocents and informing them of everyone else who is in the Brotherhood. Shooting most evil roles, however, will instead kill you! Your holy deagle has a 40 second cooldown between uses. Additionally, some evil roles are able to take advantage of your Brotherhood....


Chat Message:
You are a Sacred Pharaoh! Help the Innocents find the Traitors and other evil roles(except for Jesters)! You have an unique Ankh that can be placed down anywhere. Upon dying, you will respawn at your Ankh a single time with half health.


Grey Box Message:
You are a Pharaoh! Your goal is to kill all of the Traitors and other evil roles! You spawn with an Ankh you can place down anywhere. You will respawn at your Ankh if you die. The Ankh has 500 health and can be destroyed, or Stolen by the Graverobber, A traitor role. Standing near your Ankh will heal you. You can only respawn using your Ankh a single time per round.


Chat Message:
You've been turned into a Graverobber! You are still on the Traitor Team, however now you can steal the Pharaoh's Ankh and use it for yourself!


Grey Box Message:
You have turned into the Graverobber! The Pharaoh placed his Ankh down somewhere. You are still on the Traitor team, but you can now attempt to steal the Pharaoh's Ankh. Stealing the Ankh causes you to respawn at it instead of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is capable of taking the Ankh back however, so be careful!


Chat Message:
You are a hypnotic Mesmerist! Your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor Evil roles(except Jester) You have access to a special Defib that revives someone on the Traitor team as a Thrall!

Grey Box Message:
You are a Mesermist! You are apart of the Traitor team, and your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor roles. You have access to an unique Defib that revives a dead person as a Thrall on the Traitor team. You can also access the Traitor shop by pressing the C key.



Chat Message:
You've been revived as a Thrall! You are now on the Traitor team, and your goal is to kill all of the Non-Traitors(except Jester!).


Grey Box Message:
You've been revived as a Thrall! You are now on the Traitor team, and your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor roles. You can access the Traitor shop by pressing the C key.


Chat Message:
You are an confusing Unknown! You are apart of no one's team, and you want to get killed. Upon being killed, you will respawn with your killer's Role!


Grey Box Message:
You are an Unknown! Your goal is to get yourself killed. You will revive as the same role as your killer, provided they do not die before you finish reviving. You cannot win without claiming a new role first.



Chat Message:
You are a Paranoid Survivalist! You are an innocent who has access to the Detective shop! Help kill all of the Traitors and other evil roles(Except for Jester!)


Grey Box Message:
You are a Survivalist! You are an innocent role, and win by killing all of the Traitors and other evil roles. You have access to the Detective's Shop by pressing the C key and start with one credit. Additionally, you will show up as Grey on the Radar of any friendly teammates.


Chat Message:

You are an unfortunate Amnesiac! You are apart of no one's team. Claim yourself a proper role from a dead body, either by finding one, or making one on your own!


Grey Box Message:
You are an Amnesiac! You are on no one's team, and can only win by claiming a new role from a dead body. You can either find and investigate a dead body on your own, or kill someone to attempt to steal their role! Be warned, you will deal reduced damage until you obtain a new role. You cannot win without claiming a new role first.


Serial Killer:
Chat Message:
You are a Vicious Serial Killer. Kill all of the Innocents and Evil roles(Except Jester). You have access to an unique Serial Killer shop.


Grey Box Message:
You are a Serial Killer! Your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and other roles. You have access to a special Serial Killer shop by pressing the C key, and start with 2 credits. Additionally, you are able to view other players through walls, and start with a special knife that can throw a concussion grenade.


Chat Message:
You are a sneaky Defective! You are a Traitor who appears to be a Detective to all Non-Traitors! Your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor roles(Except Jester)!. You have access to the Detective's DNA Scanner and Detective Shop.


Grey Box Message:
You are a Defective! You are a Traitor who appears to be a Detective to any non-Traitor. Help the Traitors win by killing all of the innocents and non-Traitor roles. You have access to the DNA Scanner as well as the Detective Shop by pressing the C key.


Chat Message:
You are a Hungry Glutton! You are a Traitor and your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and non-Traitor roles. You have a special weapon that lets you consume dead bodies for health or to be used as a powerful melee weapon! Be careful, dont let your hunger bar fill..


Grey Box Message:
You are a Glutton! You are a traitor and your goal is to kill all of the Innocents and Non-Traitors. You have a special weapon that lets you eat dead bodies to gain additional max health, and can also be used as a melee weapon that deals more damage and lets you move faster the bigger your hunger bar is. If your hunger bar fills up completely, you will transform into the Ravenous, who is hostile to everyone and can only use the melee weapon. Consuming bodies reduces the hunger meter.

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