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minhteefreshh's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): minhteefreshh

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:243812242


Admin that banned you: CIA

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Server bn


Why should you be unbanned?

I was playing my first game of TTT with a friend and we were in discord trying to figure out how to play. My friend said it was pregame and someone else in the lobby said "let me prop kill somebody" and so I thought it was a free for all pregame and there would be some sort of notification when the actual round started so I shot at the people I saw. I couldn't figure out how to type or voice comm and tell people it was my first game. I got banned by the server right after and then I joined another server where I learned how to play and how to communicate so I won't cause any more problems in the GFL servers.  

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Posted  Edited by CIA

I banned you for mass rdm meaning you killed 3 or more people without reasoning. Just to point out you said " we were in discord trying to figure out how to play" if you don't know how to play what made you think it was ok to kill anyone you saw?

Edited by CIA

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My friend said it was pregame and someone else in the lobby said "let me prop kill somebody" and so I thought it was a free for all pregame and there would be some sort of notification when the actual round started so I shot at the people I saw.

But I get that rdm would suck to play with and I just noticed it was only a week ban so I think its fair no worries. 

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Hello, I would like to point out that during pre-round, you cannot kill anyone at all. It's literally impossible unless you type kill on console or if you fell to your death or get burned from lava. If you and your friends didn't know how to play the game, you could've asked instead of doing your own thing. The server you played on is called TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town), not Dust2 (Deathmatch) games. Whenever you connect into the server, you always have to read the rules, its your responsibility to read them. Some of us may spam it every once in a while to tell players to read rules and how to open the MOTD, but overall its your own job to read the rules. The actual round will start by informing you your roles and it'll also tell you in chatbox. But considering you're okay with the week ban, I'll let you be now. Have a wonderful rest of the week.


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Spazzin

This is your first ban so I decided to reduce it, meaning you should be unbanned by tomorrow. Your next ban could be upgraded so I hope you learn the rules before playing again

Edited by Spazzin

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