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Any of the old guard still around?

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Was active on and off as admin the past few years. It's been a pretty long while since I was really on, not since like... oh good god, late 2018/early 19? certainly before Zero was server manager, and he's already been replaced...

Yea. Just wondering if any of the old guard are still around, pretty much. It's been a while, and it'd be nice to play with friends again.

Either way, I'll probably pop in from time to time over the next couple months I have off from school. Make friends with the new guard.


Remember when I was good? I don't either.

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as well as one can reasonably do right now, i guess. wrapping up my first semester of college with a pretty easy finals week, and then I have off until february bc they cancelled spring break and pushed the second semester start back two weeks because #Covid-19IsAThreat


Remember when I was good? I don't either.

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Man, before Zero? Including Zero, There've been... 4 SM's since I've been around. A lot's happened here. Not too many old folk are left, but there are still a few from before I was here I believe. I don't know you, but hey. Good luck reconnecting! 

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12 hours ago, Kettermelon said:

uuuhhhhhh I don't recognize you, is your Steam name the same as your forums?

yea. I recognize your name, but if you weren't really on the server when I was we probably didn't interact too much. I mostly kept to the server.


2 hours ago, Lunar Blade said:

 There've been... 4 SM's since I've been around. 

Yea, that sounds about right.

Remember when I was good? I don't either.

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