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Dale Gribble.

drama in gfl?

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i hope you guys had a wonderful christmas and i hope we get rid of this year, anyways what i want to talk about is when i took a break from gfl 2 weeks today when i came back i notice this whole drama chain on duck did i miss a massive drama alert? what just happened? 

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Thanks I had a decent Christmas and I hope so too. To put it in the simplest of terms, demotion that lead to more drama. You can find more context in the Gmod discord. 🙂

We would like to keep this contained to Duck's thread, therefore, I will be locking this. 

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Thanks.  Christmas itself was good for me.  Loved your last thread.  Got all sorts of great gifts this year.


So far as the other topic goes...




Let's keep it in there and not have two threads about it.  Welcome back!


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