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Toxic's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Toxic

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76130251


Admin that banned you: Spazzin

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): 1 week ban


Why should you be unbanned?

Would appear as ghosting, is explainable tho. Was playing on the server w/ my friend and he killed someone off of a verbal KOS. They were a T, and I was a dead inno, so I get how it would look like ghosting if the admin & the dead T didn't hear the KOS.

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The report that led to the ghosting ban was this one:




The explanation that there was a verbal KOS doesn't really line up with your friend's explanation that he saw him kill someone. The traitor also had not killed anyone with anything other than a trap. We want to unban you but this doesn't really make sense currently.



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Posted  Edited by Spazzin

Tbf, I didn't hear a kos so there was no way of me knowing if he was kosed or not, but from looking at the logs, the traitor kills you with a creeper head (traitor trap) then about 30 seconds later your friend kills the traitor. Your friend says he killed the T because he saw him kill someone else, but you're saying there was a kos on the traitor. 




This all seems like a misunderstanding so I'll just like for you clear things up for me a bit more

Edited by Spazzin

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Posted  Edited by Toxic

I mean, I was told by my friend after the fact that he killed off of KOS, so idrk why he said that as his reason in the report but ye. I wasn't really paying attention after I died and just went on my phone so idk what happened after that other than what I'm finding out now from the logs. Not really sure how I can confirm it wasn't ghosting lol but that's about as clear as things can be made

Edited by Toxic

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Posted  Edited by Spazzin

I believe that you wouldn't ghost since you're a SM, but at the same time both stories don't add up, and if I do unban then it'll look like staff gets a free pass. 


I think a higher up(s) should have a look at this before I decide because im conflicted 

Edited by Spazzin

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