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Council Meeting - 7/23/22

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Posted  Edited by Infra - Edit Reason: Add VOD

Council Meeting - 7/23/22

Meeting Agenda: Click Here

Statuses on Divisions, Teams, and Tech: Click Here

Council Votes: N/A


"The VOD starts a bit late into the meeting. I am also sorry about the bad audio from me, OBS decided to yeet my settings" - Infra


Edited by Infra

Director of Divisions and Physion Unturned Division Leader



xQc on GFL Surf 7/16/22



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I did a funny and forgot to edit the VOD into this thread, whoops! Should be good now, sorry for the delay y'all 😅


TL;DR on the status of GFL agenda point:

  • We're more than fine,
  • Even with current game server community/network circumstances globally (lower player counts on games, money being tight, many networks shutting down, blah blah), our income and current finances are healthy,
  • We are working on plans for expansion (potentially a major one) by the end of the year,
  • Currently, our focus should and will be on building upon what we currently have to offer rather than immediately diving into new initiatives.

Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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