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SyndicateNick's CSGO Bhop Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): geemaledahtcalm

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:539729552


Admin that banned you: Dini

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): server ban


Why should you be unbanned?

I want to extend my sincere apology for offending ,i thought i was being silly.and humorous.

if id have known that id get banned from the surf_server i wouldve been more mindful.It was offensive and inconsiderate.i do apologize.


I really would like to be given a second chance,I just recently found the surf maps,i havent seen them since the early days of counterstrike.ive been playing counterstrike since the early 2k's.its been so long i cant actually remember what year it was that i started.but i can tell you i went out and bought the brandnew nvidia 256mb video card for 299 bucks just so i could eliminate lag and really get the most out of my cs play. thats 256 mb   not gb.so that should tell you how long ago i started .well i remember the surf maps from back in the day.i just recently got back into my steam account to play the newest csgo.and even more recently found that there are still surf maps available! i was stoked .then i shot myself in the foot.and got banned., so i ask please un ban me so i can respectfully play on you r server.it will never happen again.i dont want to lose the privilege again. 


sincerely Nick Elliott aka DrK3rvorkian aka geemaledahtcalm 55yo gamer for life!!


Syndic8Nick Charlottes dad!

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Posted  Edited by ekren - Edit Reason: wasn't sure if was for surf since it's a web ban

@Dini Moved to CSGO Surf Appeals.

Edited by ekren
wasn't sure if was for surf since it's a web ban

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I am not sure what to make of this as it just looks like a meme. Due to reason behind your ban I will not be removing it.

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