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.x's CS:S Bhop Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): {field_value_565}

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17175006


Admin that banned you: Dini

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): server ban from all gfl servers


Why should you be unbanned?

Ban reason: "Bhop scripting/cheating. Banned from numerous bhop servers, vac ban on main, banned from houseofclimb kz, banned from sourcejump with multiple proof and stats from their dev."


Why I should be unbanned: All the bhop bans were based on low logs which caused suspicion. There was never any proof that I cheated in bhop(because I never did)...the sourcejump community has actually decided to unban me (https://sourcejump.net/players/76561197994615740). Yes I was banned from multiple kz servers I believe for bhop scripts and vac banned on an old account. This was many many years ago when I was new to games and before I started really getting into movement. I cannot access houseofclimb bans for some reason or I would appeal that ban. I also mainly play surf now and have gotten quite good which is why I'm appealing. I have some videos uploaded too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaePfsA5YpAiDYmi-AOc4WQ


Let me know if there are any questions thanks

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According to the ban placed by @Dini this seems it was was a CS:GO related ban, not CS:S. Regardless, as stated in the comment on the ban in Sourcebans, it would need to be appealed through Surf, so I have moved this to CS:GO Surf.

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@.x I went ahead and removed your ban which will be removed from all GFL servers. If you plan to come back to GFL Surf however, your stats will be completely wiped as I am not restoring them due to reasoning behind the ban 👍

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