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YourDeadNan Ban Appeal

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Name : YourDeadNan


Steam ID : blakmonztah (YourDeadNan)


Banned by: @Kubnair


Ban reason: for kosing a T accidentally cos i thought baiting the innos by saying "kos my T buddy in the nether" and then it backfired horribly 


Why you should be unbanned : Ok , this was my really stupid idea of baiting them and im not sure if i got permabanned but i wont do so again i swear i wont , but honestly i thought i would get a slay only but i realised that i shuld stick with the classic T play so i am sincerely sorry

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Posted  Edited by Kubnair

Nan I really have been seeing a change in behaviour from you like a few days ago I spared you from a ban for rdm and leave .this ban is for a week  not perma you seem to love breaking the rules when admins aren't on because both these cases happened when no admin  was on you should know better than to kos your own t buddy and even worse without his consent or knowing so no I am deciding to keep this ban hopefully you go back to the cheerful fun player you once were not this "troll" your becoming . don't hate me for this just want you to become a better player like you used to be 

Edited by Kubnair

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