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Murder Suggestions

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Well hello. Allow me to FORMALLY introduce myself.


I'm Winter, aka @WinterSenpai and I am the Server Manager for our two Murder servers. I am relatively new, I only became your Manager on November 16th of 2016. Why I felt the need to point that out, I have absolutely no clue, don't ask. :lenny: 


Of course, I'm here to help keep the servers running and to ensure that players like you guys are happy with it. So this thread is where I will be taking suggestions from you guys. Feel free to suggest playermodels, trails, hats, etc. to add to the pointshop, new maps to add to Murder Minecraft, new PRs (Power Rounds) and things that should be taken off or removed from the servers. I'm here to listen. No idea will be ignored, but some will not be implemented, just so you all know. All will be considered.


Thanks guys, that's enough from me. Let's hear your suggestions!





Aspiring OWL Player

Official Fat Cunt of GFL


  • Former GFL Council Member
  • Former Deathrun Server Manager
  • Former Murder Server Manager (2x)
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  • Winter unpinned and featured this topic
Posted  Edited by Xy_ - Edit Reason: What the fuck this look like?

Look into fixing mu_adminpanel and the tab display for trial admins?

Also rename Head admin rank to 'Literally only admin that isn't TA' :lenny:


May have fix for the issues with TA/HA, going to test on my test server.

Edited by Xy_
What the fuck this look like?


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


Twitter ❤️Ko-Fi ❤️Github






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Posted  Edited by Xy_

Another suggestion,

-  look into fixing glitch where knife and gun have a chance of being invisible.

- Fix sprays(for some users they don't seem to render)?

Edited by Xy_


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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I would say please add a few more different player models for members, for variety so they appeal to other players and encourage people to join into the GFL clan community, if i'm making sense here. And maybe some new power rounds, cause for me its getting a bit old seeing the same power rounds over and over, so that would be nice too. :)

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For PR Rounds, I have seen on other servers a Slow Motion PR round. I have also seen one similar to cat and mice where one person has a chainsaw and they have a time limit to hunt down everyone. It's pretty fun/scary cause you can hear the chainsaw when the murderer is nearby and especially when they are killing someone with it. However due to the lack of a ranged weapon, I would suggest a longer time limit compared to cat and mice for this PR Round.


Also give me this player model NOW :xD:


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna try to fix that today @Soviet_nazi and for trial admins too



Aspiring OWL Player

Official Fat Cunt of GFL


  • Former GFL Council Member
  • Former Deathrun Server Manager
  • Former Murder Server Manager (2x)
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  • Winter unfeatured this topic
  • 3 weeks later...

You probably will forget what I said so I'll just post it in here.

  • The admin list on the player tab or f9 is different from the website itself. Meaning, the re-directory is from the old thread of admins listing
  • The MOTD on the playertab is different from the one on F9. 
  • Fix how many points we get for Minecraft. Construct is fixed or I hope it is because I get 10 pts per minute or so and while Minecraft I get 5 points per minute or so.

Next is the things in the chatbox adverts:

  • You have two adverts that you can combine into one. The pointshop either way you need member or higher to gain access to it. So, you could in short term: Apply for !member to have access to the pointshop or !donate for more perks and pointshop! Or something along those lines.
  • Want to apply for admin? Our guidelines can be found here: https://goo.gl/PTPVWd || The link is wrong, it redirect to the old link that's hidden away. 
  • Read the rules type !motd or press F1 || F1 does nothing so replace it with F9, the one that every server has, you should also reword it to "New to server? Type !motd or Press F9 to read the rules!".



credits to @Clavers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't find a bug error thread, and I'm too lazy to make one:


[ERROR] addons/pointshop_10_8_2016/lua/pointshop/items/playermodels/joker.lua:4: '}' expected near '"headadmin"'
  1. unknown - addons/pointshop_10_8_2016/lua/pointshop/items/playermodels/joker.lua:0

[POINTSHOP] Item missing name: playermodels/joker.lua

This spammed 4 times while I was connecting to the server (Minecraft).


credits to @Clavers

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Just now, Bae said:

I can't find a bug error thread, and I'm too lazy to make one:


[ERROR] addons/pointshop_10_8_2016/lua/pointshop/items/playermodels/joker.lua:4: '}' expected near '"headadmin"'
  1. unknown - addons/pointshop_10_8_2016/lua/pointshop/items/playermodels/joker.lua:0

[POINTSHOP] Item missing name: playermodels/joker.lua

This spammed 4 times while I was connecting to the server (Minecraft).

Probably a typo in the lua code.


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


Twitter ❤️Ko-Fi ❤️Github






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Fix yo motd so @Bae doesn't bitch that they are different.

(Ily @Bae pls no hate)


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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  • Winter changed the title to Murder Suggestions

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