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Introductions ~

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Posted  Edited by doodle. - Edit Reason: Still confused.

Hello everyone to all community members of GFL ( Including staffs , owners , donators , etc. ) 

My name i's doodle , i'am currently new to this grown-multi gaming community.

I'came from East Java , Indonesian. Currently at 20 years old.

That just i want to say ( because i'am still new and confused ._. ) 

But if you want to hangout with me , make sure you bring bottle of milk and some chocolate cookies to enjoy and chills out ~


Edited by doodle.
Still confused.

Imagination and creativity is essence of inventions and discovery.

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Welcome to GFL!  I'm usually found hanging out on the GMOD side of the community.  If you need any help with anything feel free to contact me.






P.S.  I suggest applying for member, it takes a minute, and it's free.



(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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Hey dude

My names James/Darkling.

Welcome to GFL!


I'm from the CSGO side of things ;)


This community is a great one if you value never needing to play online alone!


Come check out our servers and just get to know everyone around.


Your best bet is to join our TeamSpeak and just come and say "Hi"


If you've got any issues or want some help just give me a PM!






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Hey doodle welcome to GFL ! It's wonderful to see new people like you joining our community.

I am from Purge on GMOD, feel free to hop on or hop on our TeamSpeak!

If you have any questions or want to talk just contact me.

GFL Ranks

[Former] Manager for Purge/DarkRP.                 

[Former] Manager for AWP 24/7

[Former] Senior Badmin for the old Purge.

[Former] Senior Badmin for the new Purge.             

[Former] Senior Admin for Hightower. 

[Former] Server Admin for 2Fort. 

[Former] Server Admin for 2Fort 2

[Former] Human Resources.  


[Bans] Old Purge - 400+


[Joined] 2012-2013.



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