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[Accepted] Jerrybomb's application to become Admin

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Posted  Edited by Benroyjam - Edit Reason: Edited the topic

Hey! I'm applying for admin in the Combat Surf server. My real name is Jeremiah, however common nickname is Jerry. I am almost always online Steam.

I want to become admin because I want the experience, i want any hackers/spammers to stay off this precious server, and I want everyone in the game to just have a good time without being interrupted. I have nothing to offer but my promise to help the server stay clean. I have no past experience of being admin of any server.

I want to help the server as much as I can, being admin. It would be good experience for me.

Thank you for considering me. 







Steam ID: _0:0:156893318

Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JerryistheBOMB/

What am I applying for: Admin.

Why do I want to apply?: I want to apply for admin for the experience, and the wanting to keep the server clean.

What do I have to offer the server and community?: You have my promise that I will try my best to be an admin that does his job well.

Prior experience?: None

Why should I be accepted: I should be accepted, because 1. You obviously need admins. 2. I want the experience, it'll be good for me. 3. I want this server to be a good place for people to come, and enjoy themselves without any cheaters or nuisances.


Edited by Benroyjam
Edited the topic

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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Posted  Edited by JerryBomb

Sorry again, I can't delete my unnecessarily typed post.


22 minutes ago, JerryBomb said:

Hey! I'm applying for admin in the Combat Surf server. My real name is Jeremiah, however common nickname is Jerry. I am almost always online Steam.

I want to become admin because I want the experience, i want any hackers/spammers to stay off this precious server, and I want everyone in the game to just have a good time without being interrupted. I have nothing to offer but my promise to help the server stay clean. I have no past experience of being admin of any server.

I want to help the server as much as I can, being admin. It would be good experience for me.

Thank you for considering me. 





Sorry, I should have searched harder for application requirements.




Edited by JerryBomb

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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The format is still invalid. 

Fill out this by editing the post -


Steam ID:

Link to Steam Account:

What are you applying for:

Why do you want to apply for the above position:

What you have to offer our server and the community:

Do you have any prior experience as the above position:

Why we should accept you:


SteamID is different than the community links, so I'd suggest finding your steam ID there: https://steamid.xyz/





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Great! I've moved your format into the original post you made, which means I edited it. Now you have to wait for @Razor-Wolf and @GeoStellar8647 to reply and give their opinion. 
Right now, I want you to improve your activity on the forums, be on servers often, and try to help, etc. 

Good luck on your application.






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Just now, Benroyjam said:

Great! I've moved your format into the original post you made, which means I edited it. Now you have to wait for @Razor-Wolf and @GeoStellar8647 to reply and give their opinion. 
Right now, I want you to improve your activity on the forums, be on servers often, and try to help, etc. 

Good luck on your application.


Thank you. One question: what servers?

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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2 minutes ago, JerryBomb said:

Thank you. One question: what servers?

Combat Surf. That's all. Just be patient, because the applications often take time to be dealt with, and such stuff.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by JerryBomb
On 1/17/2017 at 5:53 PM, Razor-Wolf said:

Almost forgot to post in the applications. Sorry, everyone. Anyways, I'd like to give a +1 on this application. I'm skeptical about where Jerry cuts the line between the mixed bag of opinions we call fairness, but I think over some time as a Trial Admin, he'll get the gist of things easily and decide the right things to do.

Thanks for decision, was wondering when I would get response, lol.

Edited by JerryBomb

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. I've spoke with few people about this. 


I'm going to be accepting you as trial for one week. Welcome to the team. Please contact @Razor-Wolf for details. I'll be setting you up, so hit me up. 





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