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If you were a intelligent mouse?

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Just now, TheClassyBandit said:

Create elaborate ways to mess with people. Send "ghost" emails and messages. 


But I'm fat so I think I'd actually end up being a muskrat... 



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Well, since a mouse is not human thus they do not have the same rights nor are required to follow U.S. laws and regulations; I'd travel all over the states trying new things (food), meeting new animals, and eventually try and sneak onto a plane to really just anywhere in EU. After arriving there I would do like I did in the United States and just travel around finding new things enjoying life. I love the idea of travel if you cannot tell, I've traveled since I was a child and it's just stuck with me. So, if I were a mouse, I would travel the world :)

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On January 25, 2017 at 10:34 PM, SkittlezExZ said:

Well, since a mouse is not human thus they do not have the same rights nor are required to follow U.S. laws and regulations; I'd travel all over the states trying new things (food), meeting new animals, and eventually try and sneak onto a plane to really just anywhere in EU. After arriving there I would do like I did in the United States and just travel around finding new things enjoying life. I love the idea of travel if you cannot tell, I've traveled since I was a child and it's just stuck with me. So, if I were a mouse, I would travel the world :)

I love it! X3

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