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I was falsley banned by a trial admin and he knows it

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Posted  Edited by Memerino

This kid named Lapis thinks he's top shit, but he's not. I mic spammed twice, so then he immediately goes and pgags me. I  would be fine if it was justified, but I didn't do anything that was racist or could be seemingly extreme. This kid then bans me because I RDMed him coz he said in chat 'ok let's fite then' and I killed him, and I killed a traitor. Like wtf is that? I killed the traitor for a justified reason as well, because he placed down a slam and was in the nether. I have logs of him being an asshole to me as well: https://gyazo.com/369d768aa8fd8e272d3b9b7c60177f94 If this is your admins, I hope i never meet any of your admins.

Edited by Memerino

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Posted  Edited by Kubnair

we don't have mods. It's  trial admins and admins anyways if you want to report admin abuse pm violator. Going to tag @Lapis to come review this and decide what to do 

Edited by Kubnair

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2 things:


1. If it is an admin report you are wanting to make, then you need to send a PM to Violator (The manager for the server) and he will deal with it.


2. Below is the link for following the process in a ban appeal:















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Posted  Edited by The_Mad_Hatter

I Banned you


And The pgag was justified becuase you are a toxic mic spammer

any other issues you have, you can direct them to me

I would love to prove you wrong more then once 

Edited by The_Mad_Hatter

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Just now, The_Mad_Hatter said:

I Banned you

Well, why did you? Were you paying attention to the round? I was obviously not RDMing, i feel like im talking to a brick wall. And thanks for the cooperation from your trial admin, as well.

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yeah it appears lapis wasn't even involved in your ban roxie banned you I don't know much about what happened but this isn't your first mass rdm ban, looks like I've banned you for mass rdm a long time ago seems like you're just trolling around by the looks of it 

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1 minute ago, Kubnair said:

yeah it appears lapis wasn't even involved in your ban roxie banned you I don't know much about what happened but this isn't your first mass rdm ban, looks like I've banned you for mass rdm a long time ago seems like you're just trolling around by the looks of it 

I didn't troll here. I was not mass rdming and my kill on the traitor was justified.


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Just now, The_Mad_Hatter said:

Mass rdm, you had no reason to kill ANY of them


Ban appeal DENIED





The traitor had bought and planted a slam, and he also through an incin mid killing me, but that had no effect on him planting the slam.

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Posted  Edited by Memerino

Maybe if you actually looked into the situation you would know what happened. Lapis said 'fite me' while we were dead so I did. It might of been a joking statment but it was still an offer. And as I have previously stated, the Traitor HAD ALREADY PLANTED A SLAM. I was micpsamming, but that has nothing to do with the |Reason of ban: mass rdm|


Edited by Memerino

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