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How bout that EU eh?

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It begins. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo fish n chips. :lenny:


I guess this is what happens when our president arrogantly comes over to another country to tell others how to vote. :lenny: Also media coming off on influencing people as well. :lenny:





PS: Globalism died a bit today. Not sure what to make of it. I see market opportunity though. :lenny:

We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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The EU is controlled by the worst scum in politics: Martin Schultz, Donald Tusk, Jean-Claude Juncker, etc. - socialists. UK, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary always used to be the blocking minority in the EU, but now, without the UK, V4 can't do shit, so basically:

NO for Brexit => reform the EU

YES for Brexit  => destroy the EU, keep Schengen and EEC

Now the UK is golden, as they can join the EEU (not even mentioning the stupid EU regulations that they no longer have to respect).

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic






Good job Britain, now its time for the rest of Europe to shatter down the EU and celebrate independence.

Edited by CheapTactic






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1 hour ago, Joshy said:

I have been getting slammed with bad news.  Of course this kind of thing would happen just a few months before I begin my exchange program over there.

What does it have to do with your exchange program? You speculated on the price or smth?

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Bring lots of foreign currency not the pound, and get it made into Euros, as you can buy lots of stuff there cheap with your money, as its worth more.

2 hours ago, Joshy said:

I have been getting slammed with bad news.  Of course this kind of thing would happen just a few months before I begin my exchange program over there.


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2 minutes ago, Doktor said:

soon the pound is going to join the canadian dollar - in the trash

Why? The pound is doing great.


BTW right now is a good moment to buy some more of that GBP.


52 minutes ago, MangoDoxin said:

Bring lots of foreign currency not the pound, and get it made into Euros, as you can buy lots of stuff there cheap with your money, as its worth more.


Don't speculate on Euros. Frankfurt will screw us twice, I guarantee it.

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Just now, TSARGA said:

Why? The pound is doing great.


BTW right now is a good moment to buy some more of that GBP.


Don't speculate on Euros. Frankfurt will screw us twice, I guarantee it.

you do realize the pound has crashed quite heavily since they left, right? they're fucking screeeeeeeewed

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1 minute ago, TSARGA said:

Why? The pound is doing great.


BTW right now is a good moment to buy some more of that GBP.


Don't speculate on Euros. Frankfurt will screw us twice, I guarantee it.

Where do I go to buy some Pounds? ANd while I'm at it, a place to buy myself stock in natural resources.

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Just now, Doktor said:

you do realize the pound has crashed quite heavily since they left, right? they're fucking screeeeeeeewed

They're not fucked since it crashed because of speculators, not the government. It's just a big transfer of capital.

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8 minutes ago, Doktor said:

you do realize the pound has crashed quite heavily since they left, right? they're fucking screeeeeeeewed

They are far from screwed, their case can also improve and not go down hill, the Brits were at worse times and they made through them, they shouldn't have a problem now.






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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic

So many of the Brits living in London are crying and weeping like poor babies that can't respect Democracy and want to go back and ignore the majority vote of Britain.


I keep reading more and more of those spineless lunatics.



לצערי זה לא קרה. בדרכי לעבודה שמעתי שני בחורים צועקים 'אנחנו מחוץ לאירופה!', וכל מה שרציתי באותו רגע היה להעלות אותם באש".


One of the "Remain" people gave his angry feeling, translation:In my way to work I heard 2 guys yelling "we are out of Europe!".And all I wanted in that moment is to burn them.



Funny as they aren't different at all from their kind in Israel, whining, using the failing system and arrogant as hell.

I read that google showed that certain searches were increased, like how to emigrate away, I guess they also want to replace the nation(that doesn't fit for their master enlightened minds) like twats which yet again just like here, mainly like a lot of Israelis going to live in Berlin.


Edited by CheapTactic






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Good for the UK, they made the right decision voting Brexit.


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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Dudes and dudettes. You got money. Invest in stocks and definitely invest in the pound. Buying opportunity. Avoid Euro till this separation crap is sorted with not only the UK but now France and maybe even Germany. Train left the station for gold though. Wish I had bought the dip a week ago when news was 24/7 with "bremain polls".


While on that last note. Blame mainstream media for hyping up opinion polls that don't even matter. Just as guilty as the fear tactics by our fearless leader stateside and the bremain campaign. If only they kept their mouths shut maybe just maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. Also how distasteful when mainstream media tried to capitalize on Jo Cox's death. Conspiracy or not. I respect the UK politicians for suspending the campaigns when that happened though. Media needs a leash at times. Freedom of speech matters but yelling fire when its uncalled for (say movie theater) does not.

We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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Economically Britain is about to hit a recession, and how hard they hit it depends how well David Cameron can orchestrate the country in the coming months. Markets around the world dropped today because investors are not confident in a solo Britain at the moment, and with a possible Scottish referendum on the horizon, creditors are also looking at the country warily. The country will stabilize, perhaps without Scotland, and perhaps after Cameron has left office. For now, Europe and the U.S. need to brace for a bit of a recession. Should Cameron steer the country well and his successor take the helm smoothly, Britain will very easily come out of this recession and continue business detangling from the E.U. Should he not, it's more economic turmoil for Britain, and could also defer other countries from leaving the E.U. The fate of the European Union rests with how well the transition from member to independent takes place. 


If you're looking to invest in something, lay off sterling and pounds FOR NOW. Come recession and they're low, they'd be good to look into because they will bounce back either soon or later. For now, yen or the dollar. 

The King in Gmod. 

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@LionelMoosi I totally agree except for one thing. The dollar. The Fed is gonna screw that up somehow. Heck now lowering rates are on the table albeit a very small percentage of consideration. Gold looks more attractive than the dollar especially when the July meeting nears. This coming Tuesday and throughout next week, Yellen and/or the rest of FOMC will say something about what has happened. We'll get a clearer picture then but I'll tell ya it won't be pretty. They've literally been looking for any excuse to hold off on raising rates. The last meeting actually worded this referendum in their transcript. Yen > Dollar for sure. As for the Scots and Ireland we will also have to see. They better hurry if thats what they want, the more they wait the more they lose out on going back to the EU. Check possible France independence. Guaranteed to be sped up in France if say some major terror attack would happen. Those officer killings be brutal.

We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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