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How to activate the nuke

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The problem with this is that you need to noclip to activate one button, so really there's no point. But hey, now you know



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Posted  Edited by Kubnair

Oh that's what that room was for... I always wondered why a room exists to which we can't even go. thank's for showing this!

Edited by Kubnair

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray

Hmm, i actually decompiled the map to see if theres a way your suposed to activate the button without noclip. it seems the map author screwed up the placement of the button(or rather door) since its suposed to be  ontop of the prop with nothing blocking access.


In other words, more of kammede's bad mapping, that he won't fix because he doesnt want to put up with recompiling and uploading the map. Put that alongside the doors being able to break, 914's glitchy trigger, the super glitchy HID turret, and badly placed trigger for 079.

Edited by Cpt.Haxray

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21 hours ago, Cpt.Haxray said:

Hmm, i actually decompiled the map to see if theres a way your suposed to activate the button without noclip. it seems the map author screwed up the placement of the button(or rather door) since its suposed to be  ontop of the prop with nothing blocking access.


In other words, more of kammede's bad mapping, that he won't fix because he doesnt want to put up with recompiling and uploading the map. Put that alongside the doors being able to break, 914's glitchy trigger, the super glitchy HID turret, and badly placed trigger for 079.

I believe the placement of the nuke button was intentional. (I read somewhere that it was)

But as for the rest, he either doesn't know or doesn't care.


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45 minutes ago, Xy_ said:

I believe the placement of the nuke button was intentional. (I read somewhere that it was)

But as for the rest, he either doesn't know or doesn't care.


Actually the placement of the nuke button was not intentional. The trigger is placed above the control pannel, like every other 'secret button'. However, this one control panel that it uses has a hitbox thats bigger than its model making it impossible to press the button.


If he wanted to intentionally make the button require noclip, he would have put it inside the control panel, not ontop of it barely inside an invisible 'hitbox.

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