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This subform is for the GMod TTT Minecraft server only.


You may find your ban in sourcebans https://sourcebans.gflclan.com/ using your Steam ID. You can get your Steam ID using this site http://steamidfinder.com/


To appeal a ban, make a new topic in this subform with the following copied and pasted with your information filled out as much as possible. Ban appeals with no Steam ID may not get processed.




Name: Rorie


Steam ID: The Racist


Banned by: Pb


Ban reason: the idiot banned me for "lying to admins" when someone called a kos on him so i headshotted him and he got salty and insta banned me for what he would lie and say is an rdm.. very convinent that the 40 hours ive played in the past two weeks the one person i decide to "rdm" is an admin.. this kid is full of it and im not going to suck his asshole to play the server i enjoy :/


Why you should be unbanned: Because i didnt rdm him.. there was legit a kos called by some dude 3 times on him.. i hear over chat "kos pb, kos pb, kos pb" and if you can check chat logs you will see over voice i said is there still a kos on pb and some dude goes "yeh" so me and some other kid shot him.. and he called me a lair then banned me for lying to admins.. what kind of bullshit is that 

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Your steam ID is not your steam name. Your ban is found here along with a steam ID: https://sourcebans.gflclan.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:0:50234206&advType=steamid



I'd appreciate it if you treated the staff here with respect. They are the ones to unban you after all. You're much more unlikely to get appealed if you come here with a negative attitude. If you believe it was a mistake then that's fine. Staff aren't perfect with that. But, your tone should still be mannerful.


That's just my input on what you've said.




TTT Admin

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I understand that but basically the way this goes is my word counts for shit all compared to his.. ask any other single admin look what he wrote " consistent lying rdm" could you please ask him to provide evidence of my consistent rdm and lying because the first time ive actually spoken to this man was today.. for about 2 minutes before he banned me.. name one other admin that i have apparently rdmed or lied to.. he is lying through his teeth and im supposed to be respectful to him when ive been banned from the game ive spent 40 hours of my life on in the past two weeks.. it just feels so fucking unfair man :( the lies are unreal from this kid

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id appreciate it if you actually followed it up regardless if i get unbanned or not you cannot have somebody dictating your game servers like this, im actually going to police academy on the 9th of July.. as a person with authority, you uphold the law you dont make it.. i feel as if he should be reviewed if possible please

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You irritate me, hush up and wait for the admin who banned you and just stop until he replies

You were banned for consistent which means you rdmed alot more then you are saying 

Now hush and be paitent 

No one cares that your gunna be a cop, that dont help you here 

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Posted  Edited by Roz

look at you jumping in telling me to shut my mouth basically, your incorrect, your logs will prove you so i didn't rdm fucking anyone, and i don't give a fuck what you think about my job i was making a point about the way he behaves on the server.. i know what the fucking word consistent means if you read my post im telling you its a fucking lie, so i have to wait for this idiot to review my ban appeal hahah wow may aswell just take it up the ass now.. 

Edited by Roz

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@Roz, by acting like this you are obviously not helping your cause. Just wait for @PB-n-J to reply to your ban appeal, and be done with it.

Quit complaining like a little kid.


Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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Your actually ridiculous, your letting the person who banned me for an absolute bullshit reason review the ban and you expect me to just be happy with the outcome, if you were in my situation id imagine youd be fairly fucked off but whatever.. ill indulge you 

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1 minute ago, Roz said:

Your actually ridiculous, your letting the person who banned me for an absolute bullshit reason review the ban and you expect me to just be happy with the outcome, if you were in my situation id imagine youd be fairly fucked off but whatever.. ill indulge you 

Not really lol. I would make the appeal, and wait. I would be mad, yes, but I wouldn't be throwing a tantrum like you are.


Anyways, this is getting off topic, so let's await the final decision.


Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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Posted  Edited by Roz
5 minutes ago, Roxie_Foxie said:


I'm hushing you

You don't give respect 

You don't get respect

Now shush an wait

i wasnt awarded respect when i was fucking insta banned by a liar so why would i give it? that works by your logic

Edited by Roz

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Are you trying to get denied? You need to understand you're not in a position to talk shit or disrespect anyone. If an admin tells you to wait, it's probably best you wait. If you can't sit still for just a bit of time, you'll just show us that you're immature and unready to rejoin the server.


Now, you can either stop with the lowered chance of getting unbanned after these events or just get this locked and not waste our time with your constant bickering.


Your move.


TTT Admin

Breach Admin

Ragdoll Combat Manager




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Posted  Edited by Winter

This isn't even an appeal anymore, this is proof of why he should stay banned. You're not helping anybody, bud. Especially not yourself. The best thing you can do right now is just shut your mouth and hope all goes well. Although I highly doubt that anything will be done about this. Especially when you call the people that might unban you, and I quote, "cuck loser cunts."


Sorry for jumping in on something that isn't my server, just thought I could put in my two cents.


~@Winter  :happytree:


EDIT: Well clearly PB said it all, so just don't be an ass next time. Thx.

Edited by Winter



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