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Posted  Edited by Rytex

Name:  Princess Molestia


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:50327846


Gagged by: Rox the Fox


Gag reason:  Micspamming all day.  I did do my usual "My humps by the Black Eyes Peas" 5-second spam all of once, and that's what triggered it.


Why you should be ungagged:  I had only gotten on the server at about 20:00 CST and was gagged at approximately 20:15CST.  He refuses to acknowledge the presence of a second Princess Molestia who IS a troublemaker (NO ID:  PGagged) despite being presented with both IDs, but I cannot find a log to prove that I have been on for less than an hour today or that he has been on today as well.

Edited by Rytex

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Oh no you dont, this gag stays for now


You were singing in chat and I told you to stop, you did for all of maybe three min, then you proceeded to sing AGAIN even after me telling you to STOP then you claim you were not mic spamming, then you keep claiming that there was "Another one of you on" I not once claimed it was ALL DAY fuck I dont play all day so theres lie one, then you claim you were not mic spamming, theres lie two, then you decided to try to get it lifted behind my back with senpai, and you tell senpai that you WERE mic spamming Oh my look at that, then you give a steam id that you claim is a differnt you, which senpai checked and guess what it was not you, there was ONLY you and not a second you on the server while im on, thus you lying to me and going behind my back are all reasons why I am DENYING THIS APPEAL

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43 minutes ago, Rytex said:

Name:  Princess Molestia


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:50327846


Gagged by: Rox the Fox


Gag reason:  Micspamming all day.  I did do my usual "My humps by the Black Eyes Peas" 5-second spam all of once, and that's what triggered it.


Why you should be ungagged:  I had only gotten on the server at about 20:00 CST and was gagged at approximately 20:15CST.  He refuses to acknowledge the presence of a second Princess Molestia who IS a troublemaker (ID:  STEAM_0:0:62024186) despite being presented with both IDs, but I cannot find a log to prove that I have been on for less than an hour today or that he has been on today as well.

that steamid was pbanned a year ago, if not more. they got banned when kuma was still admin.

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Posted  Edited by Rytex - Edit Reason: Info correction.
4 minutes ago, SenpaiapneS said:

that steamid was pbanned a year ago, if not more. they got banned when kuma was still admin.

Yeah, you told me in game.  There was another that was PGagged back in April as well who went by the name Shoah and Princess Molestia (and now goes by Shoah "BTFO" labeouf according to the hours tracker), and he's the guy I'm referring to.

I couldnt get his ID because I can't access closed ban appeals, but Kubnair shared it with me on my admin app.  Apparently it can be seen by other admins, so you should be able to see it at the bottom of Page 1.

Are there any activity logs?  Those appear to be teh last way I can prove I only got on at about 8:00 CST despite an all-day gag.


Edited by Rytex
Info correction.

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1 minute ago, Rytex said:

Yeah, I'm working with Senpai too.  There was another that was PGagged back in April as well who went by the name Shoah and Princess Molestia (and now goes by Shoah "BTFO" labeouf according to the hours tracker), and he's the guy I'm referring to.

I couldnt get his ID because I can't access closed ban appeals, but Kubnair shared it with me on my admin app.  Apparently it can be seen by other admins, so you should be able to see it at the bottom of Page 1.

Are there any activity logs?  Those appear to be teh last way I can prove I only got on at about 8:00 CST despite an all-day gag.


i just said that steamid was pbanned a year ago.......

i'm not working with you, case closed.

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Posted  Edited by Rytex

OH SHIT!  I GOT IT.  Hours tracker to the right side of the page,narrow it to the past 24 hours.  That's my history on the day for the server (and you can go to the server hours tracker and follow my SteamID for proof).

https://www.gametracker.com/player/Princess Molestia/

Edited by Rytex

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Posted  Edited by Roxie_Foxie

Fucking hell 

How about you read the RESPONSE I MADE 

jesus fuck

And yes youve been on for 2.5 hours again I did not SAY you were on all day now if you pulled my steam time on there today you will see that ive only put just UNDER 2 hours thus meaning you have been on longer than me 

Just accept the gag and we will reasses after a week, You need to learn to 



Once again I am not ungagging 

I will reasses in a week

this appeal can be CLOSED

Edited by Roxie_Foxie

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