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Posted  Edited by _Marshmello_





This guide will be focusing on spots that DO NOT require boosts by players and are also not very well known. I will be showing you spots that will either be easy or tricky to achieve as some of them do require parkour skills or props. Do note that I will try to update this guide whenever a map is removed or added, and if I learn of any new spots.  Some of these spots were done in a single player server with sv_gravity 450 while others were done in the GFL GMOD Hide and Seek server. I set it to 450 as it closely resembles to the effects of the jump pack. All of these spots are POSSIBLE so please do not complain if you can't get to some of them. If you have any questions then just ask me.




















Desert Atrocity



Ivory Tower













Last Stand Mall








Edited by _Marshmello_



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Posted  Edited by Syrus

You should put spoilers around each video.  Just do [*spoiler] video link [*/spoiler] (Do it without the *)



 Last Stand Mall





Edited by Syrus


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Posted  Edited by PsquawOsaurus - Edit Reason: I found out

When do you think the smalltown one will be up (I've been trying to figure out how to open the roof spot for days now)


*Update: I found out how, but still good to get those ones up

Edited by PsquawOsaurus
I found out



- Former HNS Manager

- Former CWRP admin



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