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CSGO Stuck on Searching for Players and Servers

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Been happening the last few days. So yeah, tried everything. Reinstalled Steam by deleting everything in the Steam folder except the Application and SteamApps, increased my ping, and verified my cache. 

Please help



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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3 minutes ago, Stick said:

Did you try deleting system 32?

Yes! It didn't fix it, it only crashed my computer



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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mm_dedicated_search_maxping  70 // def. 150  min. 50  max. 350 - Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games (Matchmaking).
mm_session_search_ping_limit 70 // def. 200 - Max ping value for Servers to show up in the serverbroser.


Try this


If you wish to talk to me, send me a PM but it's easier to reach me on Steam.





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8 hours ago, Azura said:


This quote is stuck on here for some reason and I can't get rid of it. Anyway, mm_session_search_ping_limit 70 // def.200 didn't work. It says unknown command



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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9 hours ago, Faex said:
17 hours ago, Azura said:


This quote is stuck on here for some reason and I can't get rid of it. Anyway, mm_session_search_ping_limit 70 // def.200 didn't work. It says unknown command

Dont write the // def.200 part 


If you wish to talk to me, send me a PM but it's easier to reach me on Steam.





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Still doesn't work

Unknown command "mm_session_search_ping_limit"



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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