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Hello! My name is Face Guy (on steam I use ಠ_ಠ because that's the point of my name). I'm 18 and I joined this community because I genuinely  enjoy the people and servers that you have. I do graphic design as a side hobby and I am currently in college for medicine. If any of you are in the South Cali, hit me up if you want to grab a bite! (i'm joking i'm too lonely to socialize :P).  If anyone would like to add me on steam feel free to! I also play Overwatch, so if you want to play just hit me up! FaceGuy #11122


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Hey there! Nice of ya to join this community :D. 

I was going to suggest you to apply to the Creative Team but looks like you already did that. The things you put in there look very good aswell, you do some nice stuff.

I hope you enjoy your time at GFL man, we're only slightly cancer.

Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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I love both GFL (gays for lyf :kappa:) and HG (horny gamers :kappa:)  and you're an HG member so I really respect you.

The fact that you've worked with them and such, made me want to explore you more, I've seen your work and I fucking loved it, I'd love to talk to you sometime on TS3.


Welcome to GFL buddy, have a nice stay =)

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Age: 6
Status: Alive
Nationality: American
Gender: Fish



I got something to tell you about this place ━━━━━━ Bae Castellanos サイコブレイク  ██████████ ████ ███



Hello FaceGuy. I welcome you to GFLClan. I hope you enjoy your stay in this community. I've noticed you made fast friends, and I wish you luck in staying as long as you can within this community. If you every have any issues or problems that you wish to discuss or talk about, please do not be afraid to ask or talk about it. In some servers, there are discord since most people do not like using Teamspeak, so they go onto Discord instead. Other than that, I do wish you to have fun and bash out your rage.
                               OTHER INFO
Here are a list of important information that you may want to know or navigate through our forums or servers. If you ever want to help someone apply for membership, please direct them to the Member Application Form. If you wish to get more perks on servers or just to help contribute donation to the community, please direct to the Donation Box. The Rules are placed for people to follow, but if you have any questions regarding a certain rule, please ask any CA+ (Community Advisor and Higher) about the rule. If you like to stream, you are free to add your own stream at the Stream Station. The Staff list is a section of all Manager+ division whom are in control of the situations. Each staff dealt with specific things that they're prioritize in. The General Knowledge Base is to help people understand about the General information such as Teamspeak Rules, Roles, and Punishments, as well as Reports, Appeals, and Badges.





credits to @Clavers

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Oh shite, I've seen you on breach before! I believe you were the guy who missed the jump down the stairs as an NTF(don't worry I was the guy who missed it too)(well technically I made the jump but I landed on the ledge so I could bhop but still took 50 damage and I was low on hp). Anyways, enough of my rambling, welcome!!!! :happytree:




I'm lowkey a weeb...





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