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How and why to git gud at quake: a guide for overwatch players

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This guide assumes a pre existing desire to play quake, if you do not have this desire please do not read this guide as it will only further turn you off the game.



remove your man bun, stop taking vapes off your fidget spinner and strap in for a guide on how to get enjoyment out of quake.


start by picking up a copy of quake champions and play it. If you're coming from overwatch you will likely think the game is incredibly dull or bash the characters for having no personality. If this is your perspective you have no idea what makes quake great and you're playing overwatch because it's overwatch not because you think it's a good game. Buckle up because you will need to commit a lot of effort to becoming good enough to enjoy the game more than that casual bullshit. it shouldn't take more than a couple hours of grinding. From my time in the competitive shooter scene I've learned, if you don't care about the game enough to imagine yourself being good at the game, you will never be. With quake this means that you will not be getting the the most enjoyment you can out of it.


This used to be one of quakes biggest assets but has turned to one of its biggest hurdles going forward. Being a game that relies on all players being competitive you must get into the competitive scene before getting into the game. While this used to be done by a friend inviting you to a lan party or enough players calling you bad you wanted to grind their  face into the concrete. One must watch competitive quake before playing competitive quake. This is huge barrier to entry that overwatch doesn't have due to player being able to latch onto the cast of characters like disgusting heaps of fetish worms. 


Note: this game is not for the faint of heart, you should be getting aggressive and mad. You either learn to channel that into your style and become a better player out of it, or you become a toxic asshole.


Why would you want to go through all that effort just to play yet another shooter. The answer is simple quake is the most bullshit free and hardcore shooter with perfect mix of fluid gameplay and advanced mechanics. These quality make it one of the most rewarding games to play once you pass the initial barrier to entry.


So now you've gotten invested into the competitive scene and want to see if you can get a slice of that action. Well now you've got the next fucking hurdle. You have to learn how to aim, and not that bullshit aim that csgo teaches you. I mean the kind of aim that involves keeping you crosshair on a human player moving around at twice the movement speed of cstrike 70-90% off the time. How is this done? There are two methods, The timescale method and the grind method. You can either develop this skill over several years of playing the game normally or you can pull out a lightning gun and slow down time in an earlier quake game. Yes I know its bullshit, but its the only fast method for now due to quake champions not having proper offline support. 


Once you learn these skills you should begin seeing much more enjoyment out of quake than you would out other games such as overwatch or COD. At this stage the community will generally refer to you as decent.


if you want to become truly good at quake you then need to master the following concepts on your own, I recommend learning them in descending order


projectile weapons

Map control

movement (bhopping and the like)

roster abilities

player psychology


learn to do these in real time in a match by thinking about them after a match

mind games

mind games counter play

mind games counter play counter play (recursive)


This is just my perspective as a someone who has been playing quake since they were six. Trust me getting over the barriers to entry is worth it a hundred times over and you will have far more fun then you would have playing overwatch.

Former CSGO Deathrun Admin

Former CSGO TTT Manager

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I'm on an Overwatch scrim team with ex-Quake fanboys that would just laugh at this. This is 3/10 topic baiting at best.


If you want to make an actual Quake guide, be my guest. If you want to shitpost for the sake of bashing other games (which this is), then you are also free to do that, although I would recommend posting in the correct section for that. I'll do you a favour and move it there now.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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@Shuruia is right, this is a bait topic at best.


5 hours ago, QiadoxSkel said:

You have to learn how to aim, and not that bullshit aim that csgo teaches you. I mean the kind of aim that involves keeping you crosshair on a human player moving around at twice the movement speed of cstrike 70-90% off the time.


Uhhhh bullshit aim that cs:go tells you, i love the neutrality here.


5 hours ago, QiadoxSkel said:

Once you learn these skills you should begin seeing much more enjoyment out of quake than you would out other games such as overwatch or COD. At this stage the community will generally refer to you as decent.


1. Which community? The game is just not as popular anymore as it was back in the days and most of the communities don't exist anymore.  

2. The much more enjoyment point is stupid, because it depends on the individual.


6 hours ago, QiadoxSkel said:

projectile weapons

Map control

movement (bhopping and the like)

roster abilities

player psychology


learn to do these in real time in a match by thinking about them after a match

mind games

mind games counter play

mind games counter play counter play (recursive)


Learning by doing. Those are things you learn on the fly by just playing the game for a long time (it's just not worth it anymore). Nothing special here.


6 hours ago, QiadoxSkel said:

This is just my perspective as a someone who has been playing quake since they were six. Trust me getting over the barriers to entry is worth it a hundred times over and you will have far more fun then you would have playing overwatch.


Yeah, i love this nostalgic feeling. I mean, who doesn't? 

But thats not a reason to bash Overwatch all the time. I mean, look at the playerbase again: Overwatch got a lot of new and active people in this genre and even got some old fuckers like me hooked. And Quake? Unattractive as fuck. 


It's nice to see that there are still people out there playing this game^^

Its just my point of view, so don't take it too seriously!


Have a nice day^^

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@sl3yz I'm one of the few remaining people who still play quake one. However I do have to agree this post was very poorly written and executed I was two days off sleep while it was written. I am currently deciding whether to lock the thread or write this in a more sensible manner so it actually fulfills its purpose.


If it is rewritten i'll refrain from my sleep deprived opinions no one cares about

Former CSGO Deathrun Admin

Former CSGO TTT Manager

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