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Banned for helping?

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Posted  Edited by AngrySoccerMom

Why was I banned for showing another issue in the !Settag system? 


What the hell happened to this server, did we seriously post at a L.A. Job-fair in the 80's for admins?5bd35c6003c46dbb5ab053bceb8a7b82.jpg64613063.jpg2bb4b0a3a5c5286af881efed5100b77413bbf1464bc7163b4d660274bdb9419fcfdf0f8ad60a25b7

Edited by AngrySoccerMom

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Looking into this



This is the response I got from the admin who banned you.

"You had been warned MULTIPLE times yesterday not to use "admin" in your tag in any shape or form. Came on today and blatantly did it again."


He apparently didn't had access to the the tool to restrict you from using tags, so he had to ban you as you didn't listen.

I can go ahead and lower the ban for you this time if you understand the consequences.

Next time I will permanently remove your ability to create new tags and will be limited to use [VIP] only.




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Posted  Edited by AngrySoccerMom

Kim I had changed the tag back to my original one RIGHT AFTER. There was nothing said between me changing the tag. That's ludicrous. 

How do you Blatantly do that anyway. Kim, Of all people. As if i'm dumb enough to do that infront of a admin. Especially when he's on my friends list. Lord have mercy.

Please do unban, I don't want to discuss this. I would appreciate that.


Thank you. Kim.

Edited by AngrySoccerMom

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Posted  Edited by AngrySoccerMom

The ban is still set at a day. Also, if you know how to check the logs. Look at it. His screenshot did not include me changeing it back. Right after..

I'm not surprised.


PS; "Get owned" Pertains no relativeness to implying i'm a admin or admin impersonation in general...

Edited by AngrySoccerMom

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