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Revised MOTD Part 2

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Posted  Edited by Sammy

CONTENT NEEDED:  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1093713010



No Racism. Saying the N-Word as a joke is tolerable, but actual hatred will NOT be tolerated.

Advertising Non-GFL Servers is punishable by a permanent ban. Keep in mind if you accidentally hit one of your binds, it will be forgiven if you don't do it again.

Hacking is an instant permanent ban.

Micspam/Chatspam will result with you getting gagged/muted.

Please speak in English.

Obey the admins.

Do not impersonate the admins.

Do not RDM. It is punishable by warning, usually because a newer player did not understand their role correctly. If RDMing persists after being told of their wrongdoing, further action will be taken.

Camping an area for a minute is not allowed. You will be warned via Global Chat. After 30 seconds passes, you will be warned, via ULX. If you camp after that, you will be slayed.


Door Blockers can be kicked by an admin or killed regardless of their role after 3 warnings. DO NOT kill them if there are admins on, who are not AFK

Killing AFK members of your group or role is considered RDM, and you will be punished the exact same way.

Do not use map exploits. It will be punished exactly the same way if you camp. (Staying in the map exploit will be considered camping for that entire time.

Do not target admins.

Do not falsely report people.

Do not kill people while you're stuck. Wait for an admin to teleport you out.

When an...

-SCP does not kill a Class D, MTF, or Researcher when prompted, or even works with them.

-MTF does not kill a Class D or SCP when prompted, or even works with them.

-Researcher does not kill a SCP when prompted, or even works with them.

-Class D does not kill a SCP or MTF when prompted, or even works with them.

-Chaos Insurgent does not kill a MTF or SCP or Researcher when prompted, or even works with them. This is considered teaming, and will be warned in Global Chat, then slayed accordingly.

Breaking doors or elevators will have you warned via ULX.

PURPOSELY closing doors on teammates, getting them killed will have you warned via ULX. If you accidentally close a door, it will be saw as a mistake and not punished.

Dont Troll. Please.

Maliciously filing false reports will have the exact same punishment you attempted to have the person you targeted reflected back at you.

Spawncamping Nine Tailed Fox or Chaos Insurgency soldiers is punishable by a ULX warning.


How To Play: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1013112866











Edited by Sammy

Party of Lenin, strength of the people,

To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Breach Admin



Leader of the League of GFL Communists

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Posted  Edited by Eli

Why the fuck is advertising a perma ban? Makes it a pmute wtf

Edited by Eli





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1 hour ago, Eli said:

Why the fuck is advertising a perma ban? Makes it a pmute wtf

Advertising is a perma ban on a lot the MotDs.

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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3 minutes ago, Duc2000 said:

Advertising is a perma ban on a lot the MotDs.

Well since XY made a pmute command it's stupid to do that





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Just now, Eli said:

Well since XY made a pmute command it's stupid to do that

Yeah, it should be changed. 

Regardless, thank you for the effort put into this. 

However, the main problem with our Motd is that it doesn't clarify the racism rule. If that change (and a few others) was made then we couldn't keep the current Motd. 

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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3 hours ago, Finnick said:

What the fuck


What's with all the fucking colours



Party of Lenin, strength of the people,

To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Breach Admin



Leader of the League of GFL Communists

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I'm just going to say this. This is more like we're explaining each rule to a player. It's common sense. If the server says no racism, it means no racism. 


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Jcfraven
5 hours ago, Bae said:

I'm just going to say this. This is more like we're explaining each rule to a player. It's common sense. If the server says no racism, it means no racism. 

Be that as it may, without some sort of specification it is left to the whims of the staff and the interpretation of the players alike, without a concrete objective base. After all, "racism," is such a widely-abused term nowadays that even commenting on the color of a person or object is suddenly racism. There does not need to be an extensive treatise on it or other rules, but a few general baselines would ultimately be better than vague generalities. I just thought I would throw in my two cents on it.


Also, just to clarify: I do not disagree with you at all, but "common sense," is not all-that-common anymore, especially with things such as this, and people can, have, and will abuse any and all generalities they can to do whatever they want. I have seen that far too many times.

Edited by Jcfraven

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35 minutes ago, Jcfraven said:

Be that as it may, without some sort of specification it is left to the whims of the staff and the interpretation of the players alike, without a concrete objective base. After all, "racism," is such a widely-abused term nowadays that even commenting on the color of a person or object is suddenly racism. There does not need to be an extensive treatise on it or other rules, but a few general baselines would ultimately be better than vague generalities. I just thought I would throw in my two cents on it.


Also, just to clarify: I do not disagree with you at all, but "common sense," is not all-that-common anymore, especially with things such as this, and people can, have, and will abuse any and all generalities they can to do whatever they want. I have seen that far too many times.

You don't need to type an essay to me because I can't read them and will not understand it until someone jots it down to me. But to me, a rule shouldn't be too long to read, it's not like a RP server. If what you're saying is to elaborate every rule so people can understand, I'll assume it may be much longer than a RP MOTD.


credits to @Clavers

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Just now, Bae said:

You don't need to type an essay to me because I can't read them and will not understand it until someone jots it down to me. But to me, a rule shouldn't be too long to read, it's not like a RP server. If what you're saying is to elaborate every rule so people can understand, I'll assume it may be much longer than a RP MOTD.

I am not saying to elaborate every rule to include every possible detail, simply to provide some extra details to each in order to establish a more objective base for players and staff alike to ensure that there is not an overly strict nor overly lenient environment. If not in the MOTD, then at least in a separate Rule List.

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Just now, Jcfraven said:

I am not saying to elaborate every rule to include every possible detail, simply to provide some extra details to each in order to establish a more objective base for players and staff alike to ensure that there is not an overly strict nor overly lenient environment. If not in the MOTD, then at least in a separate Rule List.

As you can tell already since I was wrong. It's never a good idea to write a essay to me. I will not be able to understand. It'll take me at least a whole day to understand. Anyways, I'm just saying if a player has a question about the motd, it's their job to ask a staff or a regular player whom knows more upon the MOTD. I just find it stupid that's all.


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000
On 7/29/2017 at 4:40 PM, Jcfraven said:

Be that as it may, without some sort of specification it is left to the whims of the staff and the interpretation of the players alike, without a concrete objective base. After all, "racism," is such a widely-abused term nowadays that even commenting on the color of a person or object is suddenly racism. There does not need to be an extensive treatise on it or other rules, but a few general baselines would ultimately be better than vague generalities. I just thought I would throw in my two cents on it.


Also, just to clarify: I do not disagree with you at all, but "common sense," is not all-that-common anymore, especially with things such as this, and people can, have, and will abuse any and all generalities they can to do whatever they want. I have seen that far too many times.

The reason anextended explaination isn't needed is this: the admin's word is final. The admin has common sense when the player doesn't.

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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