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New Promotion System

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Based off of the increasing numbers of officers, Happy and I have decided to implement a new system for ranking up past 2nd lieutenant. This change will not effect any rankings below 2nd lieutenant and is effective immediately. 


The new system will go based off of a "Star" System. After every event, officers can be given a "Star" instead of a promotion. These stars can be named by the Game Masters and should entitle actions such as but not limited to bravery or valor. These stars will then accumulate with the character until they have enough stars to be promoted. Stars needed to be gained before promotions will be listed below. Along with stars any person wishing to be promoted past Major will need to go through a training to be promoted as well. 


2nd Lieutenant & First Lieutenant: 3 Stars 


Captain - Major : 5 stars


Major + : 5 stars and Training


Although this will make it more difficult to rank up in the officer ranks, it will make it so there is less inflation and will add to the immersion.


Feel free to leave your comments on the change bellow and give any other suggestions for the ranking system. 

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  • Nunti featured and pinned this topic

are these "stars" somehow implemented in game? is there some sort of collected database/document for game masters to edit to show who has x many stars? If its up to the player to remember how many stars they have whats stopping them from just telling others they already have X amount of stars.  I thought one of the reasons for this "inflation" was to get people into the higher ranks so they could host tryouts etc.

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I still fell like every battalion needs at least 1 person higher then 2nd Lietunant so there can be try outs for that battalion, and I think that other then that battalions shouldn't have players above Lietunant if someone is higher then that





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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5 hours ago, floopyhiggle said:

are these "stars" somehow implemented in game? is there some sort of collected database/document for game masters to edit to show who has x many stars? If its up to the player to remember how many stars they have whats stopping them from just telling others they already have X amount of stars.  I thought one of the reasons for this "inflation" was to get people into the higher ranks so they could host tryouts etc.

There will be a document crated to track the X amount of stars an officer has.

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2 hours ago, TheKingOfPyros said:

I still fell like every battalion needs at least 1 person higher then 2nd Lietunant so there can be try outs for that battalion, and I think that other then that battalions shouldn't have players above Lietunant if someone is higher then that

Players 2nd Lieutenant+ can host tryouts.

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@ Hatty:

The training will more be more along the lines of making sure the person is ready for the commander positions. Its more to check to make sure the individual is capable of leading in RP. So far we havent had many interactive events (at least i dont think) where players have had a major impact on decisions and what will happen in the event. However once we do get into detailed events like this, I want the Commanders to be able to make smart, effective, and overall good choices on what to do. My "vision" Is to have events where commanders will need to give life or death orders than can lead to either a victory or a massacre. Whether the events will even get to that point is going to be all up the the GMs. And Its good you dont know any other server that have this system, just another thing to make us unique.



I was planning for there to be a Doc that all GMs had access too that they can mark who has how many stars. Unless i can think of another way to state in someones name how many stars they have then its the only viable way i see of keeping track. Also with the whole tryout thing, I want to talk to happy about allowing the highest member of the battalion to host them with admin permission that way we dont need to have so many higher ranked people. 



Although eventually there will be more than a single 2nd Lt. + in a battalion, those will only be the players that are dedicated enough to be there and it should add motivation for people to try and rise through the ranks.


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On 7/24/2016 at 11:14 PM, Nunti said:

@ Hatty:

The training will more be more along the lines of making sure the person is ready for the commander positions. Its more to check to make sure the individual is capable of leading in RP. So far we havent had many interactive events (at least i dont think) where players have had a major impact on decisions and what will happen in the event. However once we do get into detailed events like this, I want the Commanders to be able to make smart, effective, and overall good choices on what to do. My "vision" Is to have events where commanders will need to give life or death orders than can lead to either a victory or a massacre. Whether the events will even get to that point is going to be all up the the GMs. And Its good you dont know any other server that have this system, just another thing to make us unique.


Yep We have



I was planning for there to be a Doc that all GMs had access too that they can mark who has how many stars. Unless i can think of another way to state in someones name how many stars they have then its the only viable way i see of keeping track. Also with the whole tryout thing, I want to talk to happy about allowing the highest member of the battalion to host them with admin permission that way we dont need to have so many higher ranked people. 


Already Implemented

GM's check your Calanders








On 7/24/2016 at 11:14 PM, Nunti said:



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