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Suggestion: Tear Gas Grenade

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A common problem that has been occurring is mtf not being able to do anything about scps who bumrush gate-b. A lot of scps(106, 457, 096, 049, 682, and 610) can all easily get to the gate-b area and start breaking the gate. Due to the location and size of the room(Being near an active tesla gate, only having one way into the room, the room itself being cramped with room to the side to duck out of LOS of the doorway), it is nearly impossible for MTF to flush or force them out of there, resulting in either the mtf having to give up or make their way to the surface to try to be ready on the otherside, an option which doesn't work with gate-b most of the time due to the short distance from the escape zone and the HP pool of the SCP in question.


In order to help combat this, I suggest some kind of tear gas grenade(or anything similar). It can be thrown into the cramped area and would do damage over time, with the damage increasing the longer the person is inside the gas, and doing additional damage to SCPs. This would give the MTF(or other players) a way to deal with scps sitting at gate-b breaking it.


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