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Richard Nixon44

Ban appeal

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Posted  Edited by Richard Nixon44 - Edit Reason: I was asked to add more info

Name- Richard Nixon44


Steam ID- 127045385


Banned by- Ryann


Reason- Ghosting


Why you should be unbanned- I was not ghosting. I had been playing for a decent amount of time, maybe about an hour not exactly sure because my pc is bad an crashed a couple times. I was playing normally and then suddenly I am auto slain for 1 round with the reason "ghosting" i responded in chat saying what I'm not (or something along those lines not exactly sure) and he said "Appeal it on the forums ;)"

Edited by Richard Nixon44
I was asked to add more info

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No, Just no.

I told you too make a ban appeal but oh gosh i did not except you too actually do it.

You and your friend which got banned as well, joined together. That's not breaking rules. 

The first thing you guys did together was say "nigga" repeatably over type chat. Once you were both muted, you started saying "nigger" over voice chat, in which you got gagged.

Now, to the ghosting. You didn't get a report on you for random killing, but i did how ever, spectate you specifically to watch for ghosting. You were traitor. After being called out, not only did your friend not kill you, he did damage to traitors that were not called out. It was too obvious man :"p


P.S. Sorry for my foul language, just want to be exact. 

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Posted  Edited by Richard Nixon44 - Edit Reason: forgot to tag him


Thats just false. He was saying the n word even though I told him to stop and I did not say it. I joined the server before him but my computer crashed a couple times and when he joined I was in the process of joining again. He never killed me, because I died almost instantly the one round he was actually playing, I was in tower and died and he was all the way over by the T tester. I was also never a traitor, not sure if he was though. 

Edited by Richard Nixon44
forgot to tag him

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Hmmmm. All of which is false. He didnt kill you for a specific reason tho? but you werent traitor you say? fishy. I mean honestly man, you showed me in 3 rounds that you were completely ghosting with your friend.  

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