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Event #110 -- The "Golden Era" aka GFL 2014 style

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Posted  Edited by Vanya

Event Overview:

Hello everyone!


We hope you had a great time in these Winter holidays, but it's time to kick things up by having an event!


For this week we're going back to GFLClan to how it was back in 2014 when it was still in Chicago, this event was set up and planned by admins, next week we will have the classic procedure of votes and stuff so you guys can nominate stuff too.


And don't forget, the event suggestion megathread is still a thing so feel free to drop your nominations there too!

For this event we'll be playing:

  • ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3 (Up until Extreme 2)
  • ze_predator_ultimate_v3
  • ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix
  • ze_fapescape_v1_2
  • ze_FFXII_Westersand_v7_2

Time for the event:

  • Saturday January 5th 11pm GMT-0
To check at which time the event is for you, check this website to give you an idea.
Eventually the times will be posted in our Steam group for your convenience so make sure to join it so you can see the exact time at which it starts for you!
Special Kickers:
  • pF settings + 900 ammo for all maps
VIP Rewards:
  • Win 4 out of 5 maps to win a week of V.I.P.!
Duration of the events:
  • 2 hours for Fapescape should be enough, the rest of the maps will be played up to a maximum of an hour.
  • This is a relatively chill event, so off-topic talk will be allowed unless it starts getting out of control
  • Regular server rules will apply for this event as usual
  • Sitting in spec unless you're a spectating admin is not allowed.
  • Anyone willing to be.
See you on the weekend!
Edited by Vanya

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