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SCP-058: "Heart of Darkness"

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack





SCPs like these are one of the most memorable articles on the wiki to me. I was surprised that nobody had suggested anything related to 058 before, but I guess that's mainly because it was kinda' obscure and 058 doesn't really have a perfect model on the workshop.


Well, after digging a bit, I found a model that seems to fit 058 slightly, but it's better than most other models. The least it did was get the "bovine" part correct, and it kinda' looks like a big ol' massive heart, but whatever. If you've found another model you think is better, feel free to drop the fat steam link down below.


Anyways, enough   dilly dallying 汚ゥ雨   and let's get jump right into it.




You are a bovine heart, fueled by a lust for blood.

Lunge at your victims and trap them within your grasp, clinging onto them.

Your attacks deal bleeding damage, and several repeated blows can leave serious damage.





Spawn Location(s):

Site-19: 682 Observation Deck



(I was hesitant and searched all over the map, but you'd be surprised that every single place that wouldn't interrupt gameplay in the HCZ is taken. We have THAT many SCPs. Things are starting to get cramped in Site-19. Hopefully the dawn of replacement SCPs may change that for future SCPs, but I don't think 058 needs to be one.)



Ingame Mechanics:


LMB (Primary) : Lunge

Passive : successful lunges will cause 058 to "cling" onto the victim



Health: 1500

Attack DMG: 15

Primary Cool Down: 1 secs

Speed: Human Walking Speed


 Like most other SCPs, SCP-058 gets points by killing people.




SCP-058 is relatively slow, comparing its speed with that of human classes that normally run and other SCPs. It's lunge is a bit long, but it is not as efficient as 372.


 With that being said, 058 functions as a good ambush-type SCP, and can operate well in stealth with its abilities aimed to take out singular opponents.



I'm g'not a g'noblin


Use the distance between these two gnomes for reference; this is about the length of the distance SCP-058's lunge travels.


If 058 lands a successful lunge, it will stick onto its victim for 4 more seconds. During which, 058 is free to land as many hits as he wants, for a max of 60 damage.


A hit with any melee weapon on 058 while it is attached to a victim will instantly remove it from the victim.




The Heart of Darkness, more bovine than ever: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1108342721



Well that's there you go, another suggestion. Have fun getting ripped to shreds by a literal cow.


Like I said, if you can somehow find a better, more heart looking playermodel, that would be appreciated.


Image result for scp-058


Use this image as baseline, even though its wtf material.



"Thanks, and have fun"

Edited by Doomnack

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oh trust me i suggested 058 before. Theres also a model for it in a server content pack... but it has no animations and has a weird glitchy hole in it. 


Model is sole reason I never made a proper thread. Turning it into a zombie cow really wouldn't work, sorry to say.

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3 minutes ago, Cpt.Haxray said:

oh trust me i suggested 058 before. Theres also a model for it in a server content pack... but it has no animations and has a weird glitchy hole in it. 


Model is sole reason I never made a proper thread. Turning it into a zombie cow really wouldn't work, sorry to say.


I was about to go diving for that one specific content pack, but the list of scp-related content packs is a bit too long.


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