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Karma Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by Guccifer - Edit Reason: Text color and highlighting was all off and did it itself. So i fixed it.

Name: Guccifer

Steam ID: 0:1:29168023

Reason for Ban: Karma Ban

Just joined the server for the first time in 2 months because I recieved a temp ban and haven't played on it again in while. Within the first 15 minutes of playing I had 3 people try to rdm me, whome I thought were the Traitors so I killed them. 
Not even 5 minutes later during !dm i recieved a karma ban. 
Please unban, thank you. 

Witnesses(if necessary): Loucop ★ La Mafia ★  (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276002807) Who is an admin in training

Edited by Guccifer
Text color and highlighting was all off and did it itself. So i fixed it.

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I wasn't there for the whole thing, but I was there for a few minutes. 1) the ban he returned from was ghosting, which itself leaves him on unwanted ground, and 2) at least one of those RDM's I was was a legitimate, intentional RDM on guccifer's part

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