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Relax. I'm new to GMOD. Will someone please explain Karma to me? I didn't mean to harm any pther players if that's what you're implying. No need to presume I'm some kind of bad guy. I'm just trying to get used to the mod. I really enjoy playing with all of you (yes even the meaner ones) an hope to advance in this community once I learn the ropes. I don't mean to break rules I just simply am ignorant to how TTT works. I enjoy GFL and wouldn't intentionally harm your community. You can keep my ban time but please understand that it was a purposeful act of betrayal.


Please understand I'm still a noob at this and am still learning the ropes.

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@Violator made this for our TTT server it's the MOTD or RULES, it's the first thing you see when you join ANY server, read it, memorize it, follow it, karma is what you lose when you kill people who you are not spoused to kill



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Posted  Edited by Benroyjam - Edit Reason: Removed the community name

As I said before, please relax. I'm used to playing cs 1.6 and thought gmod ran on a similar format. I didn't mean to break the rules and am in fact a Community Manager for a server. Following the rules and admin Protocol are very important to me. I promise to read the rules more carefully but I would appreciate a second chance in all of this.


Also, my first "ban" didnt even go through since Connor never responded so your evidence is invalid. This would only be my first ban.


Please understand my situation instead of labeling me as a rule breaker. I just donated because I care about this community. I ask for your forgiveness so I would be grateful if you accepted it. I'll read the rules and ensure that this doesn't happen again.

Edited by Benroyjam
Removed the community name

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No the ban is valid you were only unbanned due to it being your first offence and violator was feeling kind (a rare occurrence) and being a manager for a different community means you should have taken the time to read the rules and regulations of the server 

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Posted  Edited by PandaPandaPanda - Edit Reason: Misspelling

If you're just going to be abrasive and mean then I'll just wait for Violater to respond. I'm new and don't really understand the subtleties quite yet. I'll wait for violater to respond. I hope he understands better than you have.

Edited by PandaPandaPanda

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I removed the community name part, which is considered as advertising. Please do not mention the name, and say "for other community" next time. Thanks.





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13 minutes ago, PandaPandaPanda said:

If you're just going to be abrasive and mean then I'll just wait for Violater to respond. I'm new and don't really understand the subtleties quite yet. I'll wait for violater to respond. I hope he understands better than you have.

I'm not being abrasive and mean I am breaking down your appeal for what it is, you have been banned twice in under a week one for mass and a karma ban, I'm sure if an admin was on at the time it probably would have been another mass ban, I showed you the rules of our TTT server, if you followed those rules we would probably not be where we are right now, you say your a manager of another community, if anything that makes your bans worse because that would mean your blatantly ignored the server rules most likely

And also I'm a TTT admin so howdy nice to meet you

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Posted  Edited by PandaPandaPanda

I didnt blatantly ignore it. I just didn;'t understand since this is a totally new game to me. Won't you please understand that and have some mercy on me? It was an honest mistake. Please try and see this from my perspective and I will gladly see it from yours, but the feeling has to be mutual.


Also, nice to meet you as well. I'm not being sarcastic I promise.

Edited by PandaPandaPanda

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I see things from the side of an admin, Vio unbanned you, he accepted your member app, and in your app you said you would acclimate to our rules, the rules are in plain English 

Don't kill innos unless your a T

Kill all innos as a T

Don't kill on sus

Don't kill on location

Don't kill on skin

These rules are basic

These rules are simple 

And if you read the MOTD like you say you have you would know that a karma ban is usually 6-24 hours 

And if I had to take a guess Vio feels the same and wants you to wait out your ban, during your ban you can take the time to memorize the MOTD and like in game, if you have questions regarding the MOTD there's an admin list attached to it, try asking an admin


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Well, you can wait out the ban and in the meantime, just familiarize yourself with the rules.


If there's no admin on then try to be extra careful as sometimes people RDM as innocents which leads to you losing karma. If no admin is on then just try to get one on and, like I said, be extra careful about your actions. 


If you are unsure whether or not something is RDM even after reading the MoTD then you should try to ask one of the admins. Please read and follow the rules as ban lengths tend to get progressively longer the more you get.



"Be good people"

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