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My karma is too low

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Posted  Edited by MakeGFLGreatAgain

Ok G's, we had some RDMers and heavy t-baiters in the server this morning (some Italian name like Allissio or something and Broken Glitch) that I put down several times as soon as they commenced their RDMing and gold block hiding. 

This has severely lowered my karma and additional karma lowerings, as a natural part of the game, put me over the top for a karma ban. 

I am not a RDMer and very rarely do I get slain, despite playing hours a day. 

Pls unban. 


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41788905


Banned by: console


Ban reason: low karma


Why you should be unbanned: lots of RDM and t-baiters in morning. 

Edited by MakeGFLGreatAgain

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