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[CI Suggestion] SCP-3033-2

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Brief Description:

SCP-3033 is a weapon used by the chaos insurgency consisting of remote controlled drones(SCP-3033-1s) and a pilot/controller (SCP-3033-2). Mind controlled drones are almost invulnerable to damage but drop dead if the controller is eliminated. Most notable event regarding SCP-3033 involved an assassination attempt on the defected creator of 3033.


Health: 100

Speed: normal human speed

Model: Researcher model

Team: CI (Disguised)



SCP-3033-2 is given a random researcher as his target at the start of the round. Unlike Dr.Maynard, he is unable to use items other than for his starting 3033-1 weapon. The 3033-1 weapon has no visible world model and acts like a level 3 keycard. When used on an enemy(researcher or MTF) it turns them into a SCP-3033-1 instance.  SCP-3033-1 instances have 100 hp and normal human speed, but are CI sided, cannot use items or weapons except for their fists(Same as shark fists on shark puncher round), and have a massive damage resistance to gunfire(think like 80 or even 90%, but this wouldn't apply to melee weapons). SCP-3033-1's all instantly die if SCP-3033-2 is killed. 


SCP-3033-2(and the CI team/D-class team as a whole) gain a massive point boost when his target is successfully killed. 

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