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About Smoke Grenades And Flashbangs.

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Posted  Edited by Helium

So there are Smoke Grenades and Flashbangs in breach right. They have always been a fun thing to use but you cant really use them at close range because of being able to see a players name. 


For example i could see a players name right through a smoke or when i flash someone they can still see my name. 


Flashbangs are a helpful tool to escape certain situations or as a tool to gain an advantage while attacking someone but when they can see your name while blinded that kinda defeats the purpose.


Same thing goes for smoke grenades. What is the point of using them to sneak past someone or to suprise attack someone if they can just see your name and attack you beforehand?


A possible solution to this could be lowering the distance at which you can see a players name OR just remove it entirely and replace it with an ID System or something.

Edited by Helium

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Posted  Edited by Pizzy
1 hour ago, Helium said:

For example i could see a players name right through a smoke

I feel this isn't really a problem. If someone sees your name, they still can't track your movements. All they can do is spray or push through the smoke. Either scenario would cause you to get the drop on them. (Ex: For a spray, just dodge as best you can and attack when they need to reload. For a push, they are blind as they push forward.)

Same with flashbangs.

1 hour ago, Helium said:

OR just remove it entirely and replace it with an ID System or something.

No. Please no. The whole reason I joined LB was a lack of an ID system. It just clogs up gameplay. No.




Sidenote/Rant: I really wish you could hold the grenades for a faster timer. In gameplay, it takes way too long to pull a 'nade, and throw it. If I could use flashbangs efficiently, that would be great.

Edited by Pizzy

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A better fix would be to make it if you're in smoke your name disappears or if you get blinded by a flash you can't see other people's names. The main reason the name viewing distance is as far as it is is because people complained about being unable to tell who someone was if they were wearing a vest and far away.

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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