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[ACCEPTED as OP]Admin Application Creeper459

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Posted  Edited by Benroyjam

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143617113


Link to Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198247499954/


What are you applying for:  Admin


Why do you want to apply for the above position: I have always dreamed of helping my favorite servers and becoming a moderator to keep all the hackers and rule breakers and keep peace as I see a lot of hate nowadays in many of tf2/ other games.


What you have to offer our server and the community: I can offer my time to help others and help the server.


Do you have any prior experience as the above position: No, sadly I haven't but I have applied before.


Why you should accept me: I have seen bad people in my time in combat surf and I would love to help the victims, I have done some in the past but sometimes it would take an admin/ moderator. So I would love to apply to help others.


~ Thank you for your time


Edited by Benroyjam

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Hey @creeper459. Thanks for your time applying on the admin. I can't think of any questions to ask you right now, but other staff member of Combat Surf might have.


@Razor-Wolf, @LonelyLettuce and @SouRD will ask you some questions first before casting any votes.





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Posted  Edited by SouRD

While at have no questions at this point in time i would like to see you on our forums make some freinds check out what we have to offer on our forums and ill moniter you on not only game time but forum time aswell. For me forum activity is major :/ if i see someone activee on our forums every day or every other day .ill know there dedicated to GFL and are willing to be an active part in our community and clan. I have seen you in game and i have surfed with you :D happy to see your applying. 


so for now please check out the forums and well go from there :)

Edited by SouRD

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Posted  Edited by LonelyLettuce

I cant really think of any questions but i do want you to understand the punishments you should be giving for what a person is doing. You only need to stop the problem, nothing more. You cant just ban people for breaking the rules, usually you can just mute or kick them and it will solve the problem.

But i am impressed with how much you play on the server. I feel like you are a dedicated player and will most likely be an active admin. You also need to talk to the servers community/playerbase and interact with them. If someone has a problem, try to help them.



Edited by LonelyLettuce

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I am neutral. I'm told that you have anger issues and tried to apply in the past and failed.  Since I'm concerned that you might not come on the server if this application end up getting denied, so I have this question for you:


Even if your application is denied, would you try again in 2 weeks or longer to improve on what you need, and EVEN if it is denied, do you still want to join the server as usual?





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